What’s Goji All About?

Health & Sports

Everybody wants to stay feeling and looking young this is what the goji berry is supposed to do. If you don’t know what goji juice is then you’re not alone. Goji juice comes from a bush that grows mostly in the Himalayans in China. The juice comes from a variety of Lycium bush; this is an evergreen bush that grows in temperate and subtropical regions.

Many people in western cultures have not heard of this amazing juice but the people in China have known about its special properties for many years due to the fact that it has been used in Asian medicine for the nutritional benefits. This has been their little secret for many years, now that their secret is out its good for us because now we can benefit as well.

Many people in this world don’t like to think of themselves as old or getting old, just look in any houses medicine cabinet and you will see anti aging night and day cream, wrinkle remover cream, or liquid makeup that’s suppose to take years off your appearance, but do they really work?

Studies have shown that this juice works in the anti-aging field because of the polysaccharides. Through an extracting process they are able to get the polysaccharides out of the berry. These polysaccharides work as directors and carriers for our cells. They give the cells instructions that are used to communicate with each other. The polysaccharides also control some of our defense systems. The most amazing property of the goji berry is that the polysaccharides found in the plant aren’t found in any other plant in the world.

Goji juice is also said to be rich in antioxidants. In the past few years we have heard how good antioxidants are for better health. This berry also has a lot of vitamins like vitamin C, which helps protect our skin from possible sun damages. Other antioxidant like vitamins that are in goji juice are B1, B2, B6 and E and linoleic acid a fat all help the skin look and feel younger.

If you think that it’s too good to be true just look at who’s using it, woman like Madonna, Mischa Barton and Liz Hurley are all reported to use goji juice, have you seen Madonna lately she doesn’t look over 30 and we all know how old she really is. If you’re still skeptical just buy some of it and try it if nothing else you bought a great tasting juice, that’s got a lot of vitamins and take care of one of the servings of fruit, but maybe you just found the fountain of youth. Studies have found that the longest living people on earth drink at least one serving a day of goji juice. If you’re real careful you might just get the other members of your family to drink it too, all I would have to do is say that I bought it for myself and everyone in my family would drink it.