The Pain of Anal Itching

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Anal itching self help tips

The most important thing you should remember is that anal itching is normally taken care of with good hygiene.

Remember the anus area is folds and wrinkles.

Our bodies do change and may become sensitive to something we have been using for years. So do not throw out the simple or obvious ideas that can help you.

It may seem like it will take a lot of time to get into the routine of anal care. If it will keep you from digging your fingers into your bottom when at a restaurant would not a few extra minutes be time well spent?

The following may help your routine
Wash your anal area after you have moved your bowels, some doctors recommend using Aqueous cream as a cleanser, but make sure to rinse it well.

Dab at the anus, Never rub or scratch at it with a cloth. If it is hard to dry, then use a hair dryer on cool.
dust a cotton ball with powder, make sure it is not perfumed or talcum and place in your underpants against your rectal opening to help keep it dry. Make sure to change this each time you use the bathroom

If the anal itching is acute and you are taking frequent sitz baths remember to never use bubble bath, or perfumed oil. Instead use a handful of kitchen salt in the water.

Do not wear shape wear underwear, it will only make you sweat

Do not use special detergents that have perfume or biological enzymes for your underwear.

Use detergents that say for sensitive skin

Do not scratch. I know it can become unbearable and if you need to, make sure to find a safe place to do so. Also do not scratch it, instead if you really must do something, pinch the skin between your thumb and forefinger through your clothing.

Sleeping is when we seem to be the best at scratching ourselves. You can put gloves on to help keep the damage to a minimum, keep your fingernails short and most of all ask you doctor about an antihistamine. Antihistamines are good for the itching and will aid in sleep.

Do not use Vaseline or anything like it. It will keep the area soggy and make the problem worse.

Use steroid creams for short term only. In short term use they can make the inflation decrease and thus the itching but in long term it can make the skin thin and worsen the problem.

Witch Hazel is an old time remedy. You dab it on twice a day. If it sees to make the problem worse stop.

An old wives tale I heard and I tried and indeed it did work. Place a banana skin against the opening for intense itching times.

It is most important to know your body, to do this you must often feel around for lumps or skin tags or hemorrhoids.

Avoid foods that cause flatulence (farting).

Anal itching can be a real problem and a most embarrassing one at that. The above tips give good advice for what you can do to help and even stop this problem. Knowledge is the key. Then putting that knowledge to work is the answer.