The Crash Cymbal

Apparel & Accessories

The crash is the glamor boy of the cymbal family. They can be the accumulation of a riff; the pay-off at the end that the audience loves. No drum kit is complete without one.

As the name suggests a crash sound is made whenitting the cymbal with a drum stick. Many a drum stick is damaged going for the pay-off of a decent crash sound. When striking, aim for the edge of the cymbal with the drum stick's shoulder. Be wary of hitting the bow though, as this can crack the cymbal. The bow is the raised section half way up the cymbal.

Like the ride cymbal, the crash sits alone at the top of a stand. While they are not used as much as the hi-hats or ride, the crash is often hit with more force than other pieces in the drum kit. For this reason it is important that they are placed within easy reach so the drummer is not put off balance with striking.

As with hi-hats and rides, crash cymbals come in a range of sizes and weights. The cymbal brand can make a difference in the sound too. The sizes generally range from fourteen to twenty inches. Each size usually suits certain types genres of music, because the type of sound it omits can be quite different. There is the different voltages to consider as well.

As mentioned earlier, the audience loves the crash cymbal. While practicality and comfort is the number one priority, be sure to place the crash where the audience can see it.