Christmas Outdoor Lighting

Home & Tools

For many people Christmas outdoor lighting enlivens the magic of the holiday season. They spend hundreds of dollars to make their home the brightest most productive one on the street. Some even get into friendly competitions with their neighbors over who has the most lights. It is a time when families get together and enjoy fun, food and laughter. There is nothing prettier than snow falling on colorful lit home during the holidays.

An ideal time to add to your Christmas outdoor lighting is just after Christmas when all the holiday décor goes on sale. You can pick up all your lighting for the next year at a fraction of the cost. Still, you can purchase what you need in the fall when most stores stock their shelves. There are even websites that cater to the holiday season shopper.

For many adults, Christmas outdoor lighting arms back many memories of the life as a child. Sometimes homeowners will see their neighbors lighting up their yards and that inspires them to do the same. The holiday season can be contagious in its joy and celebration. Even though this time of year can be hectic and stressful, getting the lights setup is necessary for a great many people across the world.

With a wide number of colors and styles, Christmas outdoor lighting is a wonderful way to decorate your home during the holiday season. Your options are often endless when it comes to creating a unique outdoor display. C7 and C9 are the original lights. They are popular due to their durability and long bulb life and the variety of colors available. These are best used on a home or evergreen tree. LED lights save up to eighty percent in electricity over the old C7 and C9 bulbs. Thus, many people are turning to these styles of lights to save money and reduce electricity use. If an LED light burns out the entire string is not affected. In addition, their bulb life is significantly longer. They also are available in a wide variety of colors and textures.

Christmas outdoor lighting also includes the popular rope lights. These are small lights enclosed within a rope of transparent plastic tubing. There are a couple of styles of these lights available. The styles are steady or chasing. Steady lights glow at a constant rate while chasing lights appear to chase each other along the rope. These types of lights are great for trimming windows, doors and railings.

Another style of Christmas outdoor lighting are net lights. They are good for covering bushhes with hundreds of small lights. Typically, these come with one hundred and fifty lights at a time. Icicle lights are not as popular as they once were but they are still around on some homes. They are meant to give the appearance of icicles dangling from the roof. Lastly, there are spotlights that can highlight trees, windows, decorations or anything you want highlighted for that matter. Regardless of the type of lights you use, it is the imagination of the homeowner that adds to the beauty and joy of the season.