Sleeping Like A Baby – Whoever Said That Didn’t Have One

Apparel & Accessories

Sleeping like a baby – Huh!

Sure – you come home from the hospital with that little bundle of joy in your arms, and he looks so peaceful & adorable – until you go to sleep that is…

No sooner are you asleep, exhausted from your day looking after the little guy, you’re woken up with a howling baby on your hands.

I thought for a long time that this was something I just needed to deal with – I had tried baby wraps, safetsleeps, & other items that promised to cure the restless baby – none of them worked. But then I discovered that your baby (and you) can have a good night sleep – only waking up for the middle of the night feed.

What did I discover? Two things actually – both of which worked independently, but even better together.

The first item to ensure a great night sleep was a baby sleeping bag. I had been using blankets & sheets etc.., but my son kept waking up because he kept kicking the bedware off & he ended up getting cold (especially during the winter months).

Baby sleeping bags are great because they eliminate this problem – you just pop your baby into the bag & button (or zip) it up. The bag holds the baby securely inside, and no more cold toes!! The sleeping bags diminish the need for other blankets – which is great for the safety aspect. You don’t need to worry that your baby is being smothered by blankets creeping up over his head. You can even get sleeping bags with openings in them so that you can change your baby in the middle of the night without disturbing his sleep.When you are looking for a sleeping bag be sure to get one that zips from top to bottom – so that the zip ends up at the base of the baby (rather than the shoulder). This will ensure that the bag can not open up with any wriggling that your baby may do – this is safer, and also more comfortable.

The second item that I will recommend getting is a radio. Plain and simple…

Have it playing on a music station at a low level all night. I’ve found that babies enjoy the sound and if they do start to stir, the comfort of knowing that someone is there talking or singing (and the radio is a very convincing decoy to a young one) is enough to send them off to dream land again.A lot of people recommend to go out and buy special CD’s with soothing noises that do the same job, but I found that this wasn’t necessary as the radio performed excellently (and I can assure you – I had a very restless child).

So…. if you have a restless child – don’t be thinking you can’t do anything about it – invest in a baby sleeping bag, and cheap radio today!


Grizzlynut Shopping (& Well Rested Mum)!!