Pot Racks – 5 Reasons Why Pot Racks Improve Your Kitchen

Home & Tools

What is it about pot racks that add so much style to an otherwise average kitchen?

It really is like magic. Sure, you have to put in a little thought to make sure you pick the right rack for your decor. Is a hanging pot rack perfect for your kitchen or would a wall mounted pot rack fit better with the design of your space? Every kitchen is different but when you find the right rack it makes a world of difference.

There are very few things that you can buy for a home that make as big an aesthetic improvement for so little money and so little difficulty in installation.

Where are you storing your pots and pans right now?

I'm guessing the majority of you were like me. I used to have my pots and pans in one cabinet below the silverware. I had to bend down and struggle to get the pan I needed. I'm not exactly sure if this falls under some kind of Murphy's Law thing but somehow the pan I needed was always at the bottom of the stack. Sound familiar? I got tired of the loud banging, the scratching and chipping of my cookware, and the difficulty of physically recovering my pots and pans.
These cookware holders offer more than just convenience though. Honestly, if we were willing to just hang anything on hooks simply because it made things more convenient, then our homes would look quite different. Imagine your bathroom with multiple rolls of toilet paper, your cleaning supplies, and a plunger hanging on hooks from the ceiling. Unpleasant. No, racks for your pots and pans are more than just convenient. The real appeal of these holders are how they significantly improve the look and feel of your kitchen.

We spend an awful lot of time in our kitchens. I think we owe it to ourselves to create an environment that is more pleasant.

Pot Racks:
• Preserve the surface and, therefore, the life of your cookware.
• Maintain the appearance of your pots and pans.
• Keep your kitchen quieter.
• Preserve the health of your back and knee with no more bending and awkward lifting.
• Make your kitchen pop with style and class!

There are a few things to keep in mind when deciding which rack to choose. There are essentially two main types of pot racks and two main shapes.

The two types are hanging and wall mounted. If you have an island design in your kitchen or simply have lots of room, then a hanging rack is a beautiful look. The wall mounted racks work perfectly if space is a bit more limited or if the design of your kitchen simply lends itself to that particular type. Both of these offer the same level of convenience.

The two shapes that you will find most often are round and rectangular. While rectangular is far more popular, I myself love the look of the round hanging racks. With the island design that many kitchens have, however, I would suggest the rectangular rack as it has a clean and ordered appearance.
Pot racks come in many shapes, sizes, and finishes and with a little vision you can find the perfect one for your space. (hint: do not get too hung up on finish colors as you can always paint your new one to match your decor)

Good luck and happy pot racking.