Is An Antler Chandelier For You?

Home & Tools

Picture this – rustic dining room in a cozy A frame or country home and a fabulous antler chandelier as the focus. It looks awesome! And if you do not believe me have a look at some of the home décor websites.

One very unique feature of antler chandeliers is that each one is unique. Yes they may be similar in style or color but because each set of antlers is truly unique the chandelier must also be.

Antler chandeliers are truly a form of art that will add an element of design and beauty to your room. And what a great way to reflect on your western heritage!

So what type of décor do you use an antler chandelier in? Well you have plenty of choices. As mentioned early a country home with a country dining room. A rustic dining room would be very fitting as well, but so would an early American or Southwestern, or Native American theme.

Now those are all common sense decors but antlers can make quite a trendy statement too in a modern or contemporary room, especially if you take your time and choose a style that works as a piece of art. Antler chandeliers also look terrific in a room that's filled with game hunters finds. Sometimes a taxidermy duck, bear, elk head, or any other fitting wild game.

Antler chandeliers are available with traditional candle settings or in their more modern electric form. There are many choices on the market and there are also several online companies that will allow you to customize your chandelier right down to the type of light socket covers it has. It's a terrific option for those who know what they want right down to the last detail!

Here are some of the style options to consider.

1. Mule Deer Antlers

Mule deer antler chandeliers can range from smaller sizes around 28 "in diameter to much larger at 48" in diameter. The number of light fixtures runs from as little as 6 to as many as 12 and occasionally even more depending on style.

The bucks' antlers, beginning growing in the spring and they are shed usually sometime in December each year. They are high and branch forward, forking equally into 2 tines with a spread up to 4 feet making them an excellent choice for a chandelier.

2. Fallow Deer Antlers

The fallow deer antlers make a very interesting and unique chandelier because of the type of antlers they have and the size of those antlers. A 50 "diameter is quite common.

This is a medium sized deer and the adult males have large palmate antlers. The bucks develop spike antlers that begin to develop in their first year and continue to grow until 3-4 years old. The cast only antlers comprized of beams and simple points.

3. Rocky Mountain Elk

The rocky mountain elk provides the basis for a spectacular chandelier and a wide selection in size and style. Their sharp pointed prongs with a beam that sweeps both up, back, and out has a nice artistic effect on the finished product.

By year 2 the bulls spike are everywhere from 8 to 15 inches long and by year 3 they have 4 or 5 points. By the 4th year the antlers have become much heavier and after year 5 they are much larger, heavier, and have at least 6 points. It is said they actually develop their best set of antlers as an old bull around age 11. By this age they can be 5 feet long with 10 points and weight more than 25 pounds. Now that's a chandelier!

The mature bulls will shed their antlers during February and March while the youngger bulls will usually shed later in May. New antlers begin to grow as soon as the old ones have been shed. The antler cycle is very regulated

You can quickly see why these elk horns make such great fixtures. Variety in age, size, points, and color provide a wealth of décor choices!

4. White Tail Deer

The white tail deer chandeliers come in a range of sizes, weights and fixtures from as few as 4 candle lights to as many as 10. The style of these chandeliers makes them perfect for a game room, family room over a pool table or in a dining room.

Only the male deer grow antlers which they shed each year. The growth starts in the early spring and by September the antlers are full grown. Deer antlers are actually the fastest growing tissue that man knows about. They will grow about "" per day and they become covered with a live material that is called velvet that is historically rubbed off.

A buck of about 10 months old and by one year of age spikes are commonly seen. Spikes are more common than branches in deer that are undernourished. Spike bucks shed earlier than branched bucks.

White-tailed deer mature at between 5 to 8 years and deer that with spiked antlers in their younger years often mature to be trophy adults. Trophy antlers make superb chandeliers

5. Faux Antlers

For those of you that prefer not to actually have the real deal not to worry you can make your fashion décor statement with faux antlers. These faux antlers are really amazing with the same quality finish of the real thing. Usually they are made from resin making them very durable and a lot cheaper than the real thing!

If you've got a rustic, country, or southern décor considering adding an antler chandelier. You'll love the look!