Can a Stay at Home Mom Really Make a Full Time Living with a Home Based Business?

Home & Tools

In my eight years of working with the Home Based Business industry, I have spoken with hundreds, if not thousands of women. Before I even had children of my own, I learned that a lot of moms are looking for a way to make money from home, maybe you can refer to one of these two categories …

1) As a mom, you are able to stay home with your kids, which is great! However you feel a sense of longing to do something more with your day. Something that would allow you to use your gifts and talents from home. Something that would not take you away from the kids, but would enable you to earn money from home!

2) Or two, you do not have a choice; you have to work full-time or maybe even multiple jobs. You would do anything to be home with your kids more and still make a great income from home at the same time!

Yet you hear about all those 'Home Based Businesses' and sometimes you have to wonder, are they real? Can I really make money from home? Will those people really help me learn how to make money? The answer is yes and no. Yes there are real (good) companies out there that will work with you, teach you and assist you to build a business from home. BUT beware; some companies are not on the up and up. You deserve to know which is!

While the following is not an exhaustive list, you will find several valuable resources that will be helpful in your research for a solid, legitimate Home Based Business idea. I am not directly affiliated with any of the following resources; however I have found them helpful and referred many people to them over the years:

Direct Selling Association – here you can learn the history of the home based business, statistics on the industry, a list of what to consider when assessing any given company. They will even help you directly to evaluate companies

Home Business Association – if you are more interested in a 'job' you can do from home, this site offers many links to companies looking for people to do work from home. Know this, while most of these opportunities are real, they will not necessarily make you a full-time living from home; maybe a few hundred dollars per month, which can be great if that is all you are looking for. However, if you are looking for a way to earn several thousand dollars per month or more, there are better ways to do it, with a solid Direct Sales Company or some affiliate programs and other Internet based companies

Visit MoneyMakingMommy, yet another reliable home business idea web site, if you are looking for a 'job' you can do from home.

MLMwatchdog, is an MLM Company Scam Review site. It is always a good idea to do your due diligence before joining any company or home based business program. MLM watchdog has been a valid resource over the years to provide the latest MLM scam reviews. It is also a good idea to crosscheck this site with any companies you're strict considering before investing your money and time.

Success to you in your search for a Home Based Business; hopefully the resources I listed will shed some light on what to look for and what to avoid. If they can save you from throwing your time and money away on a scam and empower you to make an informed decision about what business you choose, I will be a happy camper! It warms my heart to see a mom be able to stay home with her children, to be a part of their lives and make a great living from home on top of it! You can have it all!