The Windows Registry Overview


What is the Windows XP Registry? The Windows XP registry system is an anonymous system that contains all sorts of information that is extremely critical to the proper functioning and performance of the computer. The Windows XP registry system is a large storage center for all of the data and information that the computer needs to run properly. The Windows XP registry system also contains information and data for installed programs, which help the programs run correctly. Each piece of data and information that the computer could ever need to perform functions is stored in the Windows XP registry system. The registry system is critical to the system by managing the font, user logins, user names and passwords to the computer system, the web browser, the icons on the desktop, and how the icons are organized on the desktop. These are just a few of the thousands of purposes that the registry serves.

The Windows XP registry is composed up of five dominant sections. These five separate sections allow data to be stored in the proper area that it belongs. The first section of the Windows XP registry is known as the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT. This section of the registry holds each piece of information that the computer needs to utilize for internal functions. Some of these critical functions include; object linking, object embedding, and the ability to copy and paste items. This section also decides what program to open when you click on a program. The HKEY_CURRENT_USER is a section of the registry that contains most of the settings for configuration. For instance, this section of the registry would contain all of the information about the current user that is logged in to the computers system. Any special settings that you have made to your log in are saved in this section of the registry.

The HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE is the section of the registry that undergoes the most editing. This is because this section keeps settings of the computer, and the settings of each user name. Specific settings to particular programs are also handled under this section of the registry. The HKEY_USERS section of the registry is similar to the HKEY_USER; however, this registry handles settings that are specific to the particular user who is currently logged in. The next section of the Windows XP system registry is the HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG section. This section of the registry is linked up to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. This part of the registry is developed to sort both hardware and software settings, for all users of the computer for any given program installed on the computer.

The Windows XP system registry is one of the most important components of a computers system. The registry allows the computer, as well as all of the programs installed on the computer to function correctly. Without the system registry, the computer would be unable to run as efficient as it does today. A system registry is one of the main components that keep your computer working and allow you to make changes.