Philosophy of a Governing Economy

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In contrast to the US economic policies China uses much more decisively economic tools when a situation arises. In many cases when either Global economic crises was on its ways as it happened in 2008-2009 or now when Chinese economy shows overheating the Chinese government does not hesitate to act and to act promptly and decisively. When Real Estate bust in the US provoked rambling effect over the entire Global Marketplace in China a curbing on speculation and targeted low housing preceded similar to what happened to US and EU effect in there.

When in 2009 stimulus packages were needed to add monetary supplies and keep the economy from falling as a result of decreasing export elsewhere and particularly in the US as a main trade Chinese partner, a "flexible" usage of raising Chinese internal demand and expanding trade relations Elsewhere and particularly with South Asian markets suppress Chinese economy in relatively strong growth of over 9%. In the First Quarter China the world's fastest-growing major economy expanded 11.9 percent in comparison to the last year and now Chinese government takes prompt action again:

China's Rules to Curb Property 'Madness' Will Take Effect Now

"The market is having its" last madness "and speculation may dissipate in a year or 18 months on extra action by local authorities and an increased supply of low-price, so-called policy homes, Li said.

Cheung Kong (Holdings) Ltd., the Hong Kong developer controlled by billionaire Li Ka-shing, said yesterday that efforts to cool the Chinese property market are "timely."

"You want to take action before the market gets too hot," Justin Chiu, executive director of Cheung Kong, said in a Bloomberg Television interview. "Prices have gone up really quite a lot; people buying for their own use should do it within their means.

Chinese government is not persuaded by lobbyists of falling stocks prices "The Shanghai Composite Index fell 1.1 percent yesterday" to moderate or change their policies, they are acting indiscrimately using the available "tools" of economics for prevention or stimulus when needed.

In comparison to China, here in US a partly pro political and ideologically motivated system of the ways of economics is used by the government for prevention of economic crisis or stimulating the economy when needed.

President Obama spent years to promote the Health Reform in fierce fight over details sometimes quite irrelevant when the Health Reform is a purely economic "tool" for expanding economic activities and overall for so much needed wealth distribution and redistribution in US. This constant talk of US deficit and constantly rising National Debt also handicaps the Government to take decent prompt action when situation arise.

The economic "tools" are more considered ideological prerogatives for political gains and economics is more considered as a believe in something could be the Right "trickle-down" Capitalism could be the Left more business involved Government, when Economics is a Science by which any "tools" of economics should be used indiscriminitely under different arousing economic conditions, any economic tool should be on the table: curbing speculations, financial regulation, enhancing personal liability of risk management of corporate structures, social policies, infrastructure expenses, health expanses, SME tax breaks and low interest financing, subsidies and etc.

In time in ever globalizing market and rising productivity, industrial production of the production based economies is not going to maintain conditions for many countries all over the world to keep up with their Fiscal expanses. When countries like China are building industrial production to new heights in combination with Japan, Germany and US, these may well build capacities filling the Global supply for such industrial production. Here in context the exhausting Earth resources, the Global pollution and deteriorating environment should be taken in account, too: showing limitations to a constant Global Industrial Growth for all countries so these countries could keep their Fiscal expenses under control.

Industrial production adds the most to any country's GDP at the moment, therefore under the current production based economies for a country to not be industrialized means either this country is very much underdeveloped like Bulgaria or it runs high deficit like Greece and Portugal. For US the effect of decreasing industrial production has a very similar effect to the Bulgaria and Greece: when in some areas like Detroit poverty roars just like it does in Bulgaria high quality is becoming imminent. Thus the policies President Obama is implementing of "artificially" promoting health, SME and tax breaks to the low income are the only economic policies possible under the circumstances, although there should be some better ways for sustained economic growth in which private enterprenuarship is not complicated and freedom of business is not overtaken by governments, because what all learn from the last Great Recession was that Governments could take over businesses, financial institution in a very quickly, and as a conclusion when future recessions hit Governments will go even farther.

China's handling of the last Recession is a good example of how such crisis should be handled but when a well balanced economies is combined with personal freedom of the US the results could be much higher, but to reserve this freedom we should adjust currently used economics to the arousing developments of the New Century.

© Joshua Konov, 2010