What Type of Running Shoe Do I Need?

Apparel & Accessories

Running is an excellent exercise that builds cardiovascular strength and Promotes aerobic endurance. There are a great number of people who run for sport, fitness, various social causes, health, or simply because it is a wonderfully exhilarating activity to do. It is therefore of prime importance to choose the best pair of running shoes to achieve optimum running experience. The correct type of running shoe will also serve to protect runners' feet and lower limbs from injury and ensure foot health.

Even if you feel that running shoe marketers are simply using all ways and means to get you to spend money on expensive brands that they claim will perfect your running style or give you more speed, the truth is, it does matter what kind of running shoe you choose to buy. More importantly, it should be the type that is just right for you.

There are two important factors to consider when looking for the perfect pair of running shoes. One is the kind of foot structure you have. Each person has a different kind of foot, and each foot will benefit from the right kind of shoe shape, design and structure. Secondly, you will also need to consider shoe price. Just because the perfect shoe for you happens to be pricier does not mean that it's a poor choice. Choosing the wrong kind of shoe might turn out to be more expensive and adversely act against your foot health in the long run.

The process of designing and creating running shoes for different kinds of feet requires a lot of time, research and money. This is why well-designed running shoes sell at a higher price. Whether your feet have normal, low or high arches does not matter to a twenty-dollar shoe. However, the right running shoe comes in a shape that fits your foot the best, and then will protect you and help you keep your balance whenever you run.

The kind of running shoe you choose to buy will also depend on what type of running you plan to do. Basic running footwear will do fine for a casual runner, but if you are in training to compete in a marathon, a well-designed shoe is an investment that will ensure optimum running performance. If you plan to run on sidewalks or pavements, choose a running shoe built to run on flat even surfaces. However, running on uneven, rough or soft surfaces such as hiking trails or grass will need another type of running shoe.

Fit and comfort are also important. The best part of the day to purchase your running shoe is in the late afternoon, when your feet reach their maximum size. The shoe's toe box should be able to allow your toes free movement, while the heel should be snug inside the shoe, and not slip or rub against it.

A special athletic shoe store that carries sport-specific footwear will be the best place to shop for the perfect running shoe. It is advisable not to sacrifice comfort and durability for the sake of price, this way you spend less on foot related injuries in the future by ensuring your foot health with the perfect running shoe.