Fish Tank Environments – 3 Very Different Habitats to Choose


You might think that the only decision that you have to make when deciding to start an aquarium is whether you want a freshwater tank or a salt water tank (or marine tank). But in reality, there are several different environments within each of these two habitats. In this article, we'll investigate natural habitats found in the community tank, as well as those found in the waters of the Amazon River basin. These environments can be recreated in your tank, and make for very interesting and entertaining aquariums.

For example, you can have a freshwater community tank. The desired result is to bring together a collection of fish and plants that can thrive in the same tank, but do not need to share the same origins in the wild. Species from all over the world can be mixed. This is the most common type of aquarium tank, especially for the new fish keeper.

Another "variety" of fresh fish tank could be one stocked with fish and plants often found in streams that run through the deep rain forests of the Amazon. Floating plants and driftwood often make these waters acidic and murky, however the Amazon basin is home to some of the most spectacular fish species found anywhere in the world, including the prized discus fish.

Also found in the forests of the Amazon River are thousands of acid-water pools and streams, rich in humic acids that result from the decomposition of vegetation that falls from the dense forest plant life. The acids turn the water darkish brown, and much of the sunlight is blocked out by the overhead canopy. Oxygen levels are often very low in these pools and streams, however, many species of fish can be found here. Swimming happily together, you might see dwarf cichlid, brightly tetras, and bottom dwelling catfish. This type of fish tank setup is quite interesting, and it's easy to create beautiful habitats.

Setting up a fish tank can be a great family activity. But before you get started, here are five tips for fish tank success

1. Probably THE most important factor when you begin to explore your fish tank options is making sure that you decide what size aquarium you want. This is important because it will determine what type and how many fish you can keep. It's best to plan ahead so you do not limit your choices down the road. Try to get as big a fish tank as you can comfortably afford. In general, most people wish they had started with a larger tank once they discover the fun and beauty of setting up and keeping their aquarium.

2. Another really important decision that you need to make is where you'll buy your new fish tank and the supplies you'll need to go with it. Be sure that you buy from a reputable and knowledgeable supplier, that way they'll be around to answer any questions that you might have, and in the event that you need to return something you'll be able to easily. They'll also be there to supply you with any items you'll need to keep your fish tank running smoothly.

3. Setting up and maintaining your tank does not have to cost a lot of money. You can enjoy fish keeping very inexpensively. But to do this responsibly, you should educate yourself, and make sure that you set up your fish tank the right way from the beginning.

4. One of the easiest ways to get your tank up and running fairly quickly is to buy a fish tank kit. Kits come with everything you need, and range from a simple "bowl", to larger tanks of just about any size. In most cases, they will be designated for use as either freshwater fish tanks, or saltwater (marine) fish tanks.

5. Many of the new kits and systems make marine reef tank keeping an option that you may not have considered before. The new salt water fish tank systems available allow you to bring the colors of the coral reef into your home or office, without the huge expense and headaches of just a few years ago.

Just like buying any pet, keep in mind that your fish tank will contain living creatures that need to receive the proper care and maintenance in order to live happy and healthy lives. Be responsible. Learn what will be involved before making an impulsive purchase. There's so much information available (for free!) To you that will help you to make an informed and responsible decision. Check out Top Fish Tank Aquariums for resources. We're always here to help. Again, make sure you do your research and learn what's involved before you buy any fish tank [].