Imagine yourself not being able to move around while using your mobile phone because its battery is busted and will only work while it is plugged in to a power source. I bet you would think that is too inconvenient, am I right? When our phone’s battery ran out, we tend to think of all possible ways to recharge it so we could use our phone again. It is on these instances that we actually realize how important portable batteries have become in our lives now. These batteries are used in almost all portable electronic devices. Batteries have made our life so convenient that sometimes we tend to overlook their importance. Changing channels on the television, talking on the phone while walking around, using your laptop while on the move or taking pictures would never be so easy if batteries were not invented. These scenarios prove that batteries are present in almost all aspects of our daily lives.
Batteries are devices used to store and generate electrical energy. Apart from being used in daily household products, batteries are used in automobiles, computer data stations or even forklift equipment. These batteries are specially built to power devices that require high power output. They are called lithium acid batteries with a signature letter of A. They should not be used for smaller appliances as they might damage it with its large amount of power. However, they can be used to power a home in case of a power blackout.
The batteries that we use in regular household appliances are known as lithium or lithium ion batteries. They provide instant power when required but do not last forever as their energy gets drained out. Some of their applications can be in portable radios, TV remotes or toys. An interesting thing about these batteries is that they can even be used to power electric cars! They come in various sizes to support different devices. Some examples of their size are double A or triple A. Nickel cadmium batteries, or also known as Ni Cad batteries, are rechargeable batteries. These rechargeable batteries do not only make our lives easier but also more economical. Because of them, we do not need to buy and change our hand phone’s battery every time it dies. Applications of this battery can be in mobile phones, cordless phones, Mp3 players and cameras. Even though, these batteries tend to be more expensive as compared to regular batteries, in the long run, they are proven to be more economical as you do not have waste money on batteries again and again.
Batteries have been so successful due to the fact that they are portable. Manufacturers of batteries always try to out-do their competitors by coming out with various types of batteries that can last longer. Due to their success, more gadgets were invented that could be used on the move. Proper care and usage of batteries is important to avoid any mishaps. You should not try to recharge batteries that are not meant to be recharged as this can cause the battery to leak and damage your appliance. Ensure that batteries are being used in a dry environment to be able to take full advantage of them.