Billiard Clothing – Pool Players Seem To Like Clothing With Billiards Pictures And Phrases

Apparel & Accessories

Billiard clothing is sure to be found at any major pool tournament or billiards trade show. You will find many shirts with pool and billiards pictures and sayings. Hats and visors are also a pretty popular items. Coats and jackets with some pretty cool pics and phrases will be found at these events as well.

I picked up some of my first billiard clothing in Las Vegas (BCA Tournament) back in the early 90’s. I purchased one five dollar raffle ticket and won a $300 shopping spree for billiards clothing. This was pretty cool because one of my friends had just purchased 4 five dollar tickets and I said it only takes one and sure enough I won the raffle.

The following year my girl friend at the time, purchased one ticket from the same vendors while I was shooting pool in a singles match. Sure enough we won again. (What are the odds of that? lol) We picked out some cool jackets on this one and put them on so we didn’t have to carry them around.

We went to the table where my friend was playing a match and he looked up and asked, What’s up with the jackets? He then said, you didn’t win that thing again Jack? I just smiled and said yes we did. He then proceeded to pull about 10 tickets out of his pocket, throw them on the floor and stomp on them.

Winning these two raffles back to back was cool. It set me up with $600 in billiard clothing for $10. I had shirts, jackets, hats and a few misc. billiards accessories.

I purchase a couple of shirts in Vegas every year. They have the year of tournament, they state that the tournament was at the Riviera Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas and they say North American 8 Ball championship. I am wearing one right now as I type this article.

The other common places to find billiard clothing is in Billiards magazines such as Inside Pool or Billiards Digest. You will also find quite a selection on eBay if you search billiards. Type billiards clothing into Google and you will find many items as well.

If you play billiards in your local leagues, you may want to ask the tavern owner who sponsors your team about getting jackets or shirts or both. I have 4 jackets which I won from the APA tournaments in our area and one jacket which was given to me by the owner of the pool room where we play league. (Diamond Jim’s)

I have more shirts from the various leagues which I have played in than I can count. If you are way into the game as I am, it can be cool to wear clothing that Say’s so. A word of warning however. If you are looking to play for some money, having a shirt on that talks about an 8 ball championship can kill your action.

Post your questions, comments and stories below about you and your billiard clothing.

To your run out success.
