Different Types of Scale

Automotive & Industrial

Most of the sales are done based on weight. Bench scales, pocket scales, jewelry scales, industrial scales, laboratory scales, bathroom scales, and baby scales are some of the common types of scales. Lab balances are used in the measurement of small weights ranging from micrograms to a few kilograms. Laboratory balances are mostly used in food research laboratories, chemical research laboratories, manufacturing research laboratories, pharmaceutical research laboratories and other research laboratories.

The different types of balances typically ultra micro analytical and micro analytical can weigh objects upto 3 grams. Semi micro analytical has a maximum capacity of 30 grams. Macro analytical has a maximum capacity of 160 grams, but precision can weigh objects between 160g-60 kg. These can measure tiny objects such as dust and lint. Floor scales can be used for both industrial and household purposes. Big industries use floor scale to measure the weight of their metals and other heavy objects. Bathroom weighing scale is mostly used at homes.

Bathroom scales can also be used in fitness centers and health clubs. Bathroom scales are used to measure the body fat. Large floor scales have capacities from 2500 lb to more than 30,000 lb. Drum scales can weigh from 500 lb to 800 lb. Bench scales have certain features like battery operator, adapter, auto shutoff, battery indicator etc. some of the bench scales are quad spring, A & D model FG series, A & D model HV-G-HW-G series, titan stainless steel series, and GSE model 4400. Bench scales can weigh upto 100 lb. Truck scale weighing scale is used to measure the weight when the object is loaded in the truck. Once the scale is installed, it is difficult to move around. In United Kingdom they are called as weighbridges. Truck scales are mostly used in mines or quarries, recycling and bulk liquid and powder movement. Truck scales can be used by selling or charging by weight over the bridge and check weighing both axle weights and gross vehicle weights.

Economic digital scale is used to calculate small amounts in the kitchen. Make sure that the economic digital scale will give you accurate measurement. For smaller recipes if there is smaller difference between 1 gram and 15 grams of cinnamon will make a huge difference in the final product. Pocket scales can be transported in pockets. These are mostly used in military, hunting, and building construction applications. These can weigh items upto 500 grams. Industrial scales are mostly used in automotive and trucking, food service, processing, retail, hospitality, agriculture, railroad, engineering and construction. Jewelry scales are used to weigh pearl, silver, semi precious and precious stones, diamond, and gold. Spring scales are used in many industries. Those with high load capacities are frequently suspended from crane hooks and are known as crane scales. Small scales are household purpose are called as fish scales. Steel Coil scales have capacities from 20,000 lbs to 80,000 lbs. Heavy capacity scale has capacities from 10,000 lbs to 100,000 lbs. Scales are used for both household and industrial purpose.