The World of Warcraft is a very massive place. Going from one city to another would take a lot of time when no transportation is used.
The horses and other creatures found in the game are used to transport people. They are referred to as mounts. Players should possess a basic riding skill in order to use horses and other animals as a transport. As the riding skill progresses, the character can avail of flying creatures that can take them to their destination faster. Trainers are available in major cities to teach characters how to ride mounts.
Mounts allow players to accomplish quests and missions faster. Instead of walking, the character can ride a fast creature. This is ideal for beginners who seek to increase their level more rapidly. They can use mounts to go to different targets and enemies within minutes. The mounts can also be used to search for minerals. Flying mounts can scout mountains and fields for ore, gold or iron. This is possible since the flying mounts have a very sensitive smell and sight.
Mounts can also be used in battle. The best example would be the Nightsabers. The Nightsabers are white tigers which have razor sharp teeth and claws. They can easily add damage against competitors when instructed. Rams are also used as an offensive mount. The Rams have a large and thick horn that can be used as a shield and weapon at the same time. It can be used to push off waves of enemies effectively.
The most effective mount in battle is the Drake. It is a dragon like creature that can shoot fire at enemies. It is very effective against a large number of opponents due to the extensive damage created.
Special mounts are hidden in different places of the map. Some special mounts require the player to finish quests and missions before being accessible. This would include special horses and vehicles such as a motorcycle. The special horses have a faster speed and additional powers. A special tank is also included that protects the character by hiding underground. Mounts allow players to have a better experience when dealing with enemies, missions and quests.