The Fire talent tree is the best choice if you like to burn your enemies down quickly. It is the most powerful build of all the other two (Arcane and Frost). It has the highest critical strike rate of all three builds. But the price for the brute force is lack of crowd control (CC) and survivability. Anyway, keep in mind that you kill enemies super fast, so these cons are just not such a big issue. Let me show you what talents to pick for the most efficient Fire Mage leveling.
Leveling Fire Mage – What talents to choose?
Improved Fireball (5/5)
Ignite (5/5)
Flame Throwing (2/2)
Impact (3/3)
Pyroblast (1/1)
Burning Soul (2/2)
Improved Scorch (3/3)
Molten Shields (2/2)
Master of Elements (3/3)
Playing with Fire (3/3)
Critical Mass (3/3)
Blast Wave (1/1)
Blazing Speed (2/2)
Fire Power (5/5)
Pyromaniac (3/3)
Combustion (1/1)
Molten Fury (2/2)
Fiery Payback (2/2)
Empowered Fire (3/3)
Dragon’s Breath (1/1)
Firestarter (2/2)
Hot Streak (3/3)
Burnout (5/5)
Living Bomb (1/1)
Arcane Tree
Arcane Subtlety (2/2)
Arcane Focus (3/3)
Arcane Fortitude (3/3)
Leveling Fire Mage – What is the spell rotation?
There is no such thing as the best and the most optimal spell rotation. It all depends on the unique situation you will be in. And keep in mind that leveling Fire Mage doesn’t mean that you are going to spam one spell or two. Ant this fact makes the whole leveling process even more exciting. Although your main DPS spells will be Pyroblast and Fireball. Also don’t forget to choose Glyphs. The best three glyphs for fire mage are Glyph of Scorch, Glyph of Molten Armor (it is a must have. It gives you 20% of your spirit to crit rating) and Glyph of Fireball.
Leveling Fire Mage – Frost vs. Fire? Why to choose Fire?
From my experience, leveling Fire Mage is the most efficient way of leveling a mage. With extremely high damage output you are going to find that leveling Fire Mage is the most exciting ways of leveling a mage. Maybe even better then the leveling any other class. You will be amazed how quickly the mobs will go down. And due to such DPS you are rarely going to be ganked by the other faction.