Our World Game – Places – The Pier & Wonderland


Remember going to the Pier when you were a kid? Yeah the great big wooden platforms that stand in the sea? Come on the ones Britain is leaving to rot! So, so, sad, anyway you'll be glad to know there's one in our world, accept this one is not standing in the sea it's floating in the sky! And unfortunately there are no chip shops or arcade machines to play on (sorry I tell a lie it looks as though there is but it's still to open). There are however, two pretty cool things to do at the pier.

The first place to checkout is Snaps. The Snaps Booth lets you take photos of you and your friends in front of a selection of different backdrops. Unfortunately only three people are allowed in the booth at any one time so large group photos are not possible, but hopefully the World team will look to change this. Once the pictures are taken they are stored away in your photo album so you can check them out at a later date. For free players your photo album is limited to ten pictures but for paying players your album is virtually limitless!

The second activity on offer at the Pier is the SkyScope. It's pretty much your typical seaside scope except this one does not demand excess fees for a ten second peak at the sea. In fact you will not see any sea from this scope what you can see though is the "Down World". Down World is essentially their world (anyone who is not playing Our World), it's the world the Our world gamers do not want to know about, you know the world with all those meetings where people sit talking about boring subjects! Anyways try it yourself the next time you're at the pier. There are all sorts of funny notes attached to various buildings in the Down World that make for amusing reading.

That's it for the Pier would you believe. The place gives the impression it's under construction and I'm sure new activities are in the works. I'd personally like to see fairground rides in Our World; you know the old classics like dodgems, the horses, maybe a cheap can thrower thrown in for good measure! Oh and not forgetting the donuts, you can tell I've been on too many trips to the seaside, can not you?
When you hear the name Wonderland you know it's going to be a pretty wacky place to go to. You will not be disappointed. If you've ever seen the movie Charlie and the Chocolate Factory you will know what I am talking about and no I'm not talking about the crummy version with Johnny Depp in! Yes Wonderland is Our World's version of Willy Wonkers chocolate factory!

Upon arrival in wonderland you are surrounded by gigantic pieces of candy, lucky charms and colorful crystals sticking out of the ground. It's a pretty impressive sight and it'll make you hungry if you have not eaten, I'm getting hungry just writing about it!

There are three places you to go visit in Wonderland and my favorite of the three is Cake Mania. Cake Mania as the name implies is a pretty crazy place to hang out, but I bet it's not what you'd expect. In Cake Mania you're not there to eat cake I'm sorry to say, however you can choose a cake on offer. Yes it sounds confusing let me explain further. Each cake has its own costume that comes with it, so when you order a cake you're not really ordering a cake but a costume to wear. There are four costumes in total but my favorite is a pink bunny rabbit costume, I will not spoil it by revealing what the other three are. So cake mania is really just a wacky place to dress up at no cost (a rarity in Our World), with your friends.

The other two places to check out are Enchantments (candy, charms and fairies that follow you around) and Sugar Star (clothes and furniture), both are shops and have their own unique flavor of items to purchase.
Cake Mania and the shops are not the only entertaining things about wonderland it's probably the most scenic of all places to walk around. So I'd suggest once you are done dressing up and shopping you go for a walk and marvel at the fantastic surroundings, like I said earlier although try not to work up too much of an appetite, or if you can not help it have some food on hand!