According to scientific studies, the most common reason condoms fail is due to improper use by both men and women. Incorrect use results in approximately 700% more preganancies than proper use.
How To Use A Condom Safely And For Maximum Pleasure
It makes no sense to use a condom if you are not going to use it correctly. Your risk of disease and unwanted pregancy are huge. Sex is much more pleasurable when you use a condom correctly, not only due to greater feeling and sensation, but also due to being more relaxed since you are correctly using the condom and protecting yourself.
Here are 5 steps you need to follow to make sure you are using a condom correctly.
1. Be careful when opening the package . It is common for condoms to get damaged when men tear open the package.
2. Store the condoms in a cool, dry place for no longer than one year . Heat and friction during storage are known to dramatically reduce the strength of condoms. Because of this, you should always avoid keeping condoms in your wallet.
3. Use the right lubricant . Latex condoms should only be used with water based lubricants. Oil based lubricants cause the latex to break down and increase the risk the condom will break.
4. Use the proper amount of lubricant . One of the major causes of condom breakage is lack of lubrication. When there is not enough lubrication, there is too much friction during intercourse and that can cause the condom to break and will probably result in painful sex.
5. Use the right size of condom . Condoms that are too large have a tendency to slide off. Condoms that are too small are likely to break. Choose a condom that is the correct size for your penis and you will not only get greater protection, but you will also feel more sensation and pleasure.