Go Green in Your Lawn This Summer

Home & Tools

Summer is the perfect time to combine your green thumb with a green lifestyle. We've all heard about going green at work and at home, but did you know that you can go green in your yard too?

Home owners can save time, money and improve the appearance and the health of their lawn and garden.

Here are a few tips to help you get your yard and garden on the way to being green. Mow your yard regularly and leave the clippings on the ground. The cut grass will recycle into free fertilizer.

Water you lawn deeply but not too often. If you water too often, your lawn can develop lawn disease. Watering occasionally also helps save water.

Identify bugs and pests before you spray. Not knowing what you are spraying can cause harm to beneficial bugs.

Consider planting native plants and trees in your yard and garden. Look for plants and trees that have fruit and berries. These will attract butterflies and birds into your yard. One good choice of trees is Mountain Laurel. It is native to Texas and is very fragrant. The blooms are purple and attract humming birds and butterflies.

Another native plant is Lantana. It comes in many different colors and is also a fragrant plant. It is hardy in Texas and can withstand hot dry temperatures.

Mulch your flower and vegetable gardens. This helps protect the roots and helps hold water so you do not need to water as often.

Home owners can also install or collect rain water. This will enable you to recycle rain you have collected. It can be used to water flowers and garden vegetables.

Try using natural or organic fertilizers in your yard. They do not do any damage to surrounding plants and if organic or natural fertilizers run off, they will not cause harm to drinking water or to animals.

Some natural fertilizers and weed suppressants that can be used are things like corn gluten. This is usually put down in early spring and helps prevent weeds from taking control of your lawn. Many homeowners and gardeners have problems with grubs, a type of worm that turns into a June bug. They can easily be controlled with beneficial nematodes, which are micro-organisms in the soil. These natural products can be found very easily in garden centers all over town. You can also buy these products online.

If your family enjoys being outdoors, mosquitos, ticks and fleas can put a damper on any type of outdoor activities. A natural way to get rid of these pests is by using citronella candles or Tiki torches. You can find many natural insect repellents to put into the torches.

Starting a compost pile is a good way to go green in your lawn. Instead of throwing away lawn clippings and food, such as potato peels, egg shells and such, you can start a compost pile.

There are many ways to green your lawn. You not only will have a beautiful yard, but a healthy one too.