Information on Kitchen Composters

Home & Tools

Kitchen composting is an environment friendly task. The first step and the most important step involved in kitchen composting is to acquire an appropriate vessel to store your compost. The vessel should be less than 3 feet by three feet. You can use old trash cans or even buy composting vessels from a hardware store. The purpose of using an appropriate vessel is to build up heat and keep the fruit flies away. Kitchen composting helps you in utilizing your eliminated and wasted food as fertilizers for your backyard.

This will give you extra fertilizer for your garden and help you not only in cutting cost but utilizing and disposing off your wasted food. It takes about 2 weeks for the food to become a fertilizer.

Once you have acquired a bin you need to drill a few holes in your bin so as to give some air supply to the worms. You also need to prepare a bed for the worms. This bed can be made out of newspaper and cardboard, spray some water on them but make sure they are not soaking wet.

There are two types of worms available in the market. They are Red worms and European night crawlers. The reason you can not use any other type of worm is because they will not multiply leaving you with a bin of dead worms.

Now you need to keep adding food in your bin to feed the worms. Worms eat just about anything. The most common things to include are egg shells, fruits, vegetables and their peels, tea bags etc. You should avoid meat and dairy products since they do not decompose so easily.

The average harvesting time is about 12 days to 18 days. The time varies depending on how many worms are there and the size of your bin. The compost will settle on the base of the bin ie the bedding. You need to remove the compost from the base by removing the food from top and the worms. Once your done with that you can put the worms and the food back in the bin.

The bin needs to be kept in a warm atmosphere. If you live in a continental type of climate you need to keep the bin outdoors during summer and indoors during winter. If you maintain your worm factory compost bin with care, it will not smell and not attract flies. The best part and the most important thing of creating a worm factory compost bin is that you are going green and saving the planet!