Starting Up a College in Kenya


STEP 1: The initial step is to go to Sheria House (registrars) and acquire a name search for the college.

STEP 2: From Sheria House, the company will acquire certain documents that are meant to be taken to TELEPOSTA GPO building where the company will receive a requirement list, a letter of no objection and a letter of acceptance/ a waiting letter. The requirement list basically contains all the documents that the company interested should have prior to acceptance. The letter of acceptance should then be taken to the educational examination body that the company desires example, KASNEB, KNEC, CITY AND GUILDS. This is necessary so as to acquire the necessary curriculum. Further information and clarification will be found in this document.

STEP 3: from Sheria House the applicant will then be directed back to TELEPOSTA, where the registration process and necessary information will be provided.


Before registration at TELEPOSTA the institution should have the premise ready.

The institution should also have a curriculum

The institution should have the legal documents; the acts; (Legal Act,Labor Acts, Education Act) these can be acquired from the government printers or from an already established institution

The college lecturers as well should have a higher degree than what they are meant to teach in the college, example a diploma lecturer should have a degree, and a certificate lecturer should have a diploma.

Lastly the institution should acquire a handbook that is provided at the ministry of education, science and technology website.

In terms of the timeline, pre registration of the college will solely depend on the applicant and their urgency, however once submission is done, the MINISTRY OF EDUCATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY will take 60-70 days to make the final decisions before giving the go ahead.


The ministry of education recognizes, the following curriculum bodies in kenya, KASNEB, KNEC, CITY AND GUILDS, ICM,ABEUK, NATIONAL INDUSTRIAL TRAINING AUTHORITY(NITA).

FOR KASNEB: The institution has to acquire application forms from the KASNEB website. Once application is done KASNEB will send out individuals to assess the institution. From that assessment KASNEB advices the applicant the necessary steps forward.

FOR KNEC; once the registration documents are filled the institution will have to go to the KNEC offices, where they will receive the centre number for their institution.

NITA: The NITA curriculum is available for any institution even before registration. It can be acquired for a fee of Ksh.500 per curriculum depending on the needs of the institution at the NITA offices in Commercial Street, Industrial area. Nairobi.


City and Guilds being an international curriculum body their requirements are more than that of the local bodies; which are:

1. Organizational chart with names and titles of those involved with the delivery of the course/program.

2. C.V’s for all current teaching staff involved with the delivery of the course/program.

3. Copy of appeal procedures document

4. Equal opportunities statement, this is for gender purposes.

5. Health & safety certificate of your premises from the respective Ministry.

6. Equipment list to be used in the delivery of the course/program.

7. Duly filled form CGI -CAP, Centre Approval*

8. Duly filled form CGI -QAP, Qualification Approval.*

9. Ministry of Education / Ministry of Science & Technology or Directorate of Industrial Training approval certificate.

10. Centre approval fee Ksh. 210,000 per centre

11. Qualification Approval fee Ksh. 40,000 per qualification.

*these forms are acquired from the City and Guilds office..