Submersible Pump Vs Jet Pump – 3 Tips That Will Convince You To Make The Change!

Automotive & Industrial

Here is some quick background info on the function of the submersible and jet pump.


The submersible pump and jet pump are both used to pump water from a well. The jet pump, either shallow or deep well, is used above ground. It uses an impeller and diffuser to vacuum out water into a pipe. If it is a shallow pump its ejector is above ground whereas the deep well ejector is submerged. The submersible pump is submerged in water near the bottom of your well. It uses existing pressure to push water to come to the surface and go into your home. Depending on the yield of your well and the needs of your water usage (household or industrial etc.) you might be faced with making a decision between jet pump or submersible pump.

My first tip involves saving time. The submersible pump saves you time because it is self-primed. A jet pump whether shallow or deep well (convertible) needs to be primed. It can be tricky because you have to get water into the jet pump without any air. This can take several attempts! A jet pump can also stop working because it has lost its prime. You may have to then get donor water from another source (like really nice neighbors) and replace the valves which are frequently to blame for loss of prime. This pump also will not build prime if there is an obstruction in nozzle, or the package or a leak on the suction side of the pump. Remember water for the submersible pump is right there conveniently at the pump itself. It goes to work immediately after you drop it in. Pushing the water to the surface effortlessly maintaining pressure and saving you installation and prep time!

My second tip involves saving energy. The submersible pump saves energy because it makes pressure 30% faster than the jet pump. The submersible pump is also saving energy by not having to fight gravity and atmospheric pressure like the jet pump does (and its not so quiet doing it ). This fight can create a high elevation between pump and water surface. This circumstance can cause cavitation which is serious damage to our jet pump. It can also cause overheating and surges which are both dangerous and costly. Remember jet pumps are limited to 1 1/2 hp for a given hp and flow rates of around 10 gpm at a depth of 50 feet. Submersible pumps caters to your water needs on demand regardless of how large the well is. That means more water for higher demand like garden ponds, sprinkler systems, horticulture, industrial and business pumping, just to name a few.

My third tip involves saving money. The submersible pump has a sealed motor and pump. It is practically maintenance free. The jet pump does not have a sealed motor or pump therefore, it can have corrosion inside the pump caused by fluid. There also can be leakage along the rotating shaft. The wear of the impeller can also be affected by suspended solids. These problems can be quite costly to repair. Not to mention the cost of the electricity running it. You can expect the initial cost of the submersible pump to be higher (gpm/hp factors in) but the life expectancy is longer than any other pump. One reason might be the cooler well water its submerged in protects the motor and its parts from higher temperatures. The submersibles also have a water inlet induction port at the lower end of the motor that cools it. In the long run, the submersible pump is an investment that will save you money.

July 14, 2010