Have you been to a car show lately? Chances are that either either or a large portion of the proceeds from that car show are being donated to a local or national charity or a community outreach program of some type. Car enthusiasts are not only enthusiastic about their rides, but they are also inspired about helping others that are in need!
I recently reviewed over 300 car shows that were posted on a car show website, and I found that well over 30% of those events are donating either all or a good portion of their proceeds to a local or national charity organization. It is quite amazing and heartwarming to see the generosity of car enthusiasts, and to get a sense for the wonderful impact they are having in our communities and in the lives of those with special needs. If you take the 30% figure and multiply it by the thousands and thousands of car shows across the United States, you begin to get a feel for the impact that car enthusiasts are having on our country. What a great community outreach effort!
A big "thank-you" to those car show event organizers who have helped their communities and individuals in such a very fun and family oriented way. Here is a partial list of some of the charities and organizations throughout the US that benefited from contributions from car shows this year:
St. Jude's Children's Hospital
Local Food Banks
American Cancer Society
United Cerebral Palsy
Local / Community Charities
Fire Departments
Donations to Individual Medical Bills
American Cancer Society
Ronald McDonald House
Disabled American Veterans
NJ Blind Citizens Association
Animal Shelters
Humane Societies
Special Olympics
Children Cancer Funds
Christopher and Dana Reeves Foundation
Meals on Wheels
Organ Transplant funds
Boys and Girls Clubs
Youth Mission trips
High School Bands
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
Muscular Dystrophy
Police and Fireman fund for 9/11
American Heart Association
Blood Drives
Toys for Needy Children
Breast Cancer Research
Kid One Transport
Prevention of Child Abuse
Church Roof Fund
Boys Ranch
And the list goes on and on! The amount of money that has been donated to charities over the years from car clubs and show event organizers has to be in the hundreds of thousands, if not millions.
So, a big thank you to every car enthusiast who helped to organize, participate in, or attend a car show that donated some funds to local and national charities. By working together, we can make a difference in our communities and in the lives of individuals who are in need of help. The dollars donated have clearly saved lives, improved difficult situations, given hope, fed the hungry, helped strengthen the weak, found cures for dreaded diseases, assisted families survive the difficulties and tragedies of life, and have been a wonderful, much-needed resource for many, many charity organizations. Keep shining those cars and bringing light and hope to others!
Neil Knight