Can you really use a simple desk calendar to turn your dreams, goals and visions into reality, or is this just another terrific pipe dream?
Well, ask yourself this … How often do you think and dream about the things you really want? If you're anything at all like me, you probably do this way too often … For example, when you ponder over a beautiful sports car that you admire and want badly, I bet it triggers a nice feeling. And you notice it if you spot one of these cars out and about on the road somewhere, right?
You might even put pictures of it up in your office or in your home. Or when you see, visit, or pass by a stunning home, you may hear a quiet little inner voice that calmly reminds you that one day you too will be living in a beautiful home such as this! (That inner voice may say disagreeable things too – just ignore those).
When you're seeing 'things like this, what you're actually doing is sending little reminders, or actively stimulating , the parts of your brain that keep you motivated and' fired up 'about achieving your goals. And what we'll do with this article is just show you a simple process to take and use a desk calendar to do a similar thing!
But why a desk calendar? It's simply because most of us use a calendar often. Wherever you go, a calendar will not be too far away! (You need to know what the date is, right?) You might even have a desktop calendar on your computer, and sometimes wall calendars and even a few desk calendars too. Take a good look around.
So this makes a desk calendar the perfect opportunity to remind you of what you really want … (Instead of a picture of something that somebody else wants!)
Let me show you exactly how this works. Firstly, what you need to do is find pictures of things that are a good representation of your dreams or goals. For example a picture of that stunning home you were thinking about, sitting high on a hillside, surrounded by lush forest, nature and trees as far as the eye can see … Or that gorgeous sports car you were telling me all about. Or a lovely beach scene that reminds you of a vacation you're planning to take …
These images should do a good job of reminding you of your goals, and the lifestyle you want to be experiencing.
Next you want to take these images and drop them into some sort of printable, or desk calendar. You can do this easily with some of the desktop calendars that integrate into your computer's desktop. Or jump online to actually create your own custom calendar with images you upload, or just stick some of your favorite images over the picture part of the calendar you currently have!
You see, now that every time you glance, or look, at your calendar, you see your future goal / s starting back at you. Each 'look' gives your brain further 'stimulation' about the goals you're aiming for. And the more little reminders you can give yourself, the more motivated you become!
And what's more, each time you look at your calendar you once again know why it is that you're doing this work for!
Think of it like this … the more clear you are on your goals, the less you're going to be thrown around on the oceans of information, drifting without any direction. And just by doing something as simple as putting your desires into pictures and putting these into a desk calendar, or any calendar, the more likely you are to achieve your desires.