Furniture Layout Tips to Make an Office Look Bigger

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Office furniture plays a very important role in the office environment. A lot of furniture is required in the office, for working, relaxing, storing, meetings, etc. This is the reason office space has to be properly designed and furniture arranged to make office environment a better place to work in.

Ergonomics plays the most important part in refining the work environment. With space becoming very expensive, efficient arrangement of furniture can take go long way in making the most of a small space and making it look bigger.

Take an architect's office for example. This kind of an office has more chances of ending up looking extremely cluttered. The office needs more tables and big tables in comparison to an average office. The tables used are thick and sturdy because they double as drawing boards. The average office needs to have room for basic office furniture and office equipment like a computer, a printer, and more. In addition, an architect's office will need specialized printers and storage. Having most of the clutter behind the person when they walk into an office and the area in front of them more open, will give the appearance of a larger space.

Beside workstation and desk furniture, offices also need reception room furniture, which is used when clients first come in. This area should also have the furniture placed so the room looks larger.

Office furniture has to be efficiently and very creatively arranged in small offices to make the office space look bigger and less cluttered. These are some of the pointers that will accomplish that goal:

* Storage spaces can be effectively combined with the tables.

* Extra furniture for the dining areas, the conference rooms, and the other areas that groups gather can have foldable tables to make the space look more open instead of the huge table using up space even when a larger table is not needed.

* Computers, printers, and other equipment can be put on shelves or in cabinets to save on floor space.

* Furniture arrangements can be done in a modular fashion instead of haphazard arrangement to get a more even flow to the space.

* Choose smaller sized office furniture.

Modular furniture is flexible and can make a small room look larger. You can receive office space design services when purchasing office furniture for small or large offices from Corporate Design Choice. They have been in the commercial furniture industry for over 20 years in south Florida. Contact them today for a free quote.