The Weight Loss Checklist

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Staying slim and fit is the need of the hour. No matter how much you deny it but somewhere down your mind you want to shed some kilos and be more likeable. Though the idea behind your efforts should be more health related but getting rid of some pounds never hurt anyone, right? So before you realize you are already checking out the internet and following a crash diet that worked for someone 2000 miles away from you with a different lifestyle than yours! But losing weight and sticking to your new weight cannot be ruled by a fad diet. What you need is a plan that keeps you on track even after you have lost the excess fat bags from your belly. We have got some tips for you that can seriously act as your check list of ‘how to lose weight fast’! Read on to know more and take a step towards a better and thinner you!

Calories matter: You just can’t deny the fact that to lose weight you ultimately have to manage the calories that walk in and out of your body. Shedding kilos would begin by losing more calories than you are taking in. So get down to a journal writing now and keep a tab on the number of calories you are ingesting per day and the calories you are burning with your sweat sessions!

Smaller goals

The biggest problem most of us face while on our diet is that we set unrealistic goals and when they are not realized we leave then half way. So before you begin your routine of weight loss learn to set small goals that are attainable. This way you will have motivation for carrying out your efforts in future because you can validate the result through attaining the small goals!

More water intake: A great way to keep your weight in check is by knowing when you are really hungry and when not. Do you know that thirst is great at confusing you and can often seem like hunger? So before you reach for that bag of chips to calm your growling stomach in mid morning, consider having a drink of water. Chances are that by the time you have finished the glass, you are not feeling hungry anymore. Another reason to drink water is that it will boost your metabolism and you will ultimately be less bloated and sleeker!

Check for added sugar: Do you have an answer for your fat that does not budge even when you have been strict with diet food and all? Though you have been eating only ‘healthy’ packed foods, you have been adding piles of sugar to your body that is ultimately showing through the muffin top! The next time you find yourself in a supermarket for some grocery shopping, check the labels of packed foods (you have no idea how much sugar they contain to make boring things tasty!).

Your agenda of Weight Loss in 3 Weeks can be met with these steps despite keeping fad diets at a safe distance. Making healthy choices throughout the day will surely show its benefits and is definitely safer than anyone of those advertisements of losing weight magically with a diet without shedding a drop of sweat!