Traveling With Pampered Pets

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“Mans’ best friends,” we call them. We take them with us in the car, to the park and for a jog. We take them to a friends’ house, to a Bar-B-Q, and to our kids’ baseball games. Sometime we give them a seat at the dinner table, allow them to sleep in our beds or give them a bed of their own. Let’s face it; man’s best friend has it pretty good to be able to enjoy all of our human modern conveniences.

But when it comes to vacations, very few of us consider the option of taking our dogs along with us. Sometimes it’s because we think that traveling with pets will be an inconvenience. Sometimes we think that the hotel won’t allow them to stay in the room. Sometimes we just don’t think of it at all. Whatever the reason, there’s always some way that we justify sending our dogs off to the boarding house or to a friend’s house while we’re away. Recently, this behavioral pattern has changed as many pet owners seek to bring their pets along.

A recent trend among airlines and luxury hotels is to be more accommodating to man’s best friend. On almost any given flight, it’s not uncommon to see at least one traveler carrying a pet in a small pet tote. Pet owners now often share the same rights that parents do where, if it fits on your lap, it doesn’t need a ticket.

Some luxury resorts are also offering services for pets. Demanding clientele are at the forefront of the pet travel movement. To accommodate, some hotels now offer boarding for pets in a separate facility. In this case, owners can check-out and check-in their pets at any time for a walk or to spend some quality time. Other luxury accommodations offer pet friendly suites which allow pets to stay in their owners’ suites.

Some resorts have even gone so far as to offer personalized pet packages where not only can pets stay in the room, they are also greeted with welcome gifts, treats, toys and even cloths. In the same way that you’d book a special resort romance package, you can now book and pet package, for you and your furry friend. Going for a message? Why not have a trained pet message professional treat Sparky to a massage at the same time? Ordering room service? Why not order your K-9’s dinner at the same time?

Sound a little ridiculous? Maybe. But as the demand for pet travel increases, the travel industry continues to adapt to accommodate. Pet friendly travel websites have been around for years but only recently have seen an increase in demand. Next time you’re planning a trip, consider taking your pet along. You might be surprised with how easy, and enjoyable, it is.