Tips For How to Garden Vegetables

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If you are new to vegetable gardening, there are certain things you must know before you start out. Vegetable gardening is not rocket science, and once you have got the basics right it is extremely simple to do. So what are some of the best tips for how to garden vegetables?

The first decision that you must make is how large your garden should be. For a family of four, a standard sized 20X20 foot plot should suffice. Starting off big is actually not a very good idea, since you are likely to become overwhelmed.

Next you need to decide which crops you want to grow in your garden. In the initial stages, you may want to try some of the more easy to grow vegetables such as beets, lettuces, carrots, and radishes. However, one key to successful gardening is to know your vegetables requirements and to do so, proper research is a must. Read the best gardening information you can find in order to develop a good understanding of how to grow different crops. Some factors you need to consider include whether the crops are best grown during the cooler spring and fall months, or warmer summer one, water and light requirements, and how much compost or other nutritional additives they may need.

The next step that you must take is select a good location for your vegetable garden. Your garden must receive proper sunlight, preferably at least eight hours a day. You also want to make sure it is somewhat sheltered from the wind. Selecting the right spot is crucial to your gardening success, so choose wisely. You also need to make sure you have easy access to water as well for your garden’s needs.

The next thing that you must do is to prepare your soil for the plantation. If your soil is not prepared well, even the easiest crops will not grow well. The best time to prepare your soil is during the fall the year prior to planting, but you can also do this early in the spring season as well, as long as the soil is not too wet. First you must clear the selected spot and make it free from weeds and debris. Next you must make the surface smooth. Till the soil with the proper garden tool and prepare the soil for the plantation. You can use some compost or manure to add required organic matter to your soil. The organic matter is meant to improve the fertility of the soil.

After you are done with the soil preparation, plant the crops you have chosen to garden. Some additional tips on how to garden vegetables that should help: the tallest crops are always to be planted at the furthest point of your garden, so as not to shade other crops. Rows should be planted north to south, and there needs to be spacing of at least two feet between each garden row.