Do You Think the Lightsaber Is Useless in Diablo 2? Think Again – It Is One of the Most Versatile


Lightsabre is a unique Indestructible Phase Blade Sword. Its standout feature is that it is an incredibly fast weapon, even without any IAS bonus from other equipment. It has a variety of mods that make it a versatile weapon.

1H Damage: (87-103) to (117-135)

Minimum Strength: 25

Minimum Dexterity: 136

Durability: Indestructible

Level Requirement: 58

+150-200% Enhanced Damage (varies)

Adds 10-30 Damage

Adds 60 to 120 Magic Damage

Adds 1-200 Lightning Damage

5-7% Mana Stolen per Hit (varies)

5% Chance to Cast Level 14-20 Chain Lightning on Attack (varies)

20% Increased Attack Speed

Ignore Target’s Defense

Lightning Absorb 25%

+7 to Light Radius

+150-200% Enhanced Damage (varies)

Adds 10-30 Damage

Adds 60 to 120 Magic Damage

Adds 1-200 Lightning Damage

For a one-handed unique Sword, Lightsabre does a decent amount of damage. It does Magic and Lightning damage as well. While there are some creatures that are immune to Lightning damage, there is only one creature in the entire game that is immune to Magic damage. Coupled with its incredibly fast speed, Lightsabre, like its sister sword Azurewrath, makes for a very viable weapon choice.

5-7% Mana Stolen per Hit (varies)

Good for melee characters who use Skills that drain a lot of Mana.

5% Chance to Cast Level 14-20 Chain Lightning on Attack (varies)

Chain Lightning is a Lightning Spell from the Sorceress’ Lightning Spell Skill Tree. It casts a lightning bolt that arcs through the Sorceress’ foes, jumping from one target to the next until it dissipates.

A Level 20 Chain Lightning Spell can do 1-281 points of Lightning damage and hit up to nine targets.

With such a fast weapon speed, Lightsabre will trigger Chain Lightning a few more times than the lowly 5% on the mod would indicate.

20% Increased Attack Speed

Lightsabre is already a fast weapon, but this 20% IAS is icing on the cake. Equip a few more items on your character that grants IAS, and you’ll see Lightsabre breaking the maximum IAS breakpoint without any trouble.

Ignore Target’s Defense

Ignore Target’s Defense doesn’t mean you can now successful hit  targets with every one of your attempt, but it sure makes successfully hitting your enemies a whole lot easier.

This ability doesn’t work on Champions, Uniques, Bosses or Players.

Lightning Absorb 25%

Lightsabre provides incredible Lightning Absorb. If you have max or near max Lightning Resistance, and you have Lightning Absorb as well, not only would you shrug off most of the Lightning damage you receive, but you would heal a small amount of hit points as well.

+7 to Light Radius

This is a very huge boost to your Light Radius, but it is near useless for melee or caster characters and marginally helpful at best for bow using Amazons.


Lightsabre may not be the weapon that deals the most damage in the game (those tend to belong weapon Runewords), but it is a very viable endgame option. Barbarians who make use of the Frenzy skill find Lightsabre a good offhand weapon to use due to its naturally fast speed.