How to Use Skype 5.1 iPhone the Best Way

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If you are a swanky iPhone user who loves spending a legit amount of time on the social networks, you are at the right address to receive the best knowledge to enhance the experience further. Now, you must know about the Skype app for iPhone like all other apps. With the latest Skype 5 release, it might be a little harder to get going with the app, new features and all. So to get acquainted with it, you could use these handy tips:

Group chats aren’t exactly new to the Skype experience, they’re a big part of how people use the software to chat Skype contacts and also keep in touch with family and friends. With the latest version of Skype for iPhone we’ve added the ability for you to create new groups from your contacts, here’s how:

1. Open Skype.

2. Tap the chat icon.

3. Add the contacts you want in the group, type your message and tap the send button.

To chat Skype contacts who are your hot favorites, you always need them to be at the tip of your finger. With the 5.1 update you can add a contact to your favorites from the favorite screen, or you can do the same when you’re in a conversation:

1. Tap the More icon in the bottom right

2. More icon highlighted

3. Select add to favorites

4. Using filters with your people list to narrow your focus

Another way to find a certain contact quicker is to use the filters on the people screen. You’ll find the filter at the top left of the people screen. You can filter your contacts in a number of ways:

1. All – Rather self-explanatory, this option shows you all your contacts.

2. Skype – Filters out your Microsoft Account contacts if you’re signed in with your Microsoft Account.

3. Online – Shows only contacts who are currently available to chat with and call.

With the 5.1 update your filter settings will stay active when you sign out of Skype to save you time in the future.

Typing on a mobile phone is a tricky business. Do you go with auto-correct and hope for the best or painstakingly proofread your messages? Well with the 5.1 update to Skype for iPhone we added the ability for you to edit and delete messages so you can also fix those typos after they happen. To edit or delete a message in a conversation simply long-tap it and select the appropriate option.

So the iPhone 5.1 updated Skype app is actually quite beneficial for your Skyping health! It does pack in some awesome features plus it so much cooler! You just need to know the right way to use it, which from this article, you might have!