How to Dress on a First Date

Apparel & Accessories

A picture can be worth a thousand words, as can an outfit. As much as people would like to pretend that they are not judgmental and do not formulate opinions based on the appearance of others, this is rarely the case, especially in the world of dating. Choosing what to wear is an important consideration on any date but most especially the first date. Choice of clothing can say a lot about a person so one must be sure their clothes are saying all of the right things, or at least not the wrong things. Here are some times to help you figure out how to dress on a first date.

For girls it is important to strike a good balance between sexy and classy when dressing for a first date. While a woman does not want her date to be reminded of his third grade librarian when he sees her, she should also want him to be looking at her eyes for most of the date and not have them meandering southward every other second. Dressing appropriate to the temperature is also important because anyone looks ridiculous wearing a halter top in thirty degree weather while a sweater and jean combination in the middle of a heat wave will have a girl more than just “glowing” from warmth. Achieving a happy medium is rather easy to do as a button up sweater makes almost any dress appropriate and a tasteful, somewhat fancy shirt can dress up jeans perfectly. Girls must also be aware of shoe height. Depending on the height and self confidence of their date it is advisable for a woman to try and be as close to their guy’s height as possible, obviously excluding large height disparities. This should definitely factor in as you decide how to dress on a first date.

Guys do not have quite the same concerns about getting dressed as girls but it is an equally important aspect of the date that they must consider. When deciding how to dress on a first date a man needs to dress as stylishly as he can while not being too flashy or totally abandoning his personal sense of style. Depending on where the first date is going to happen he has to put together an outfit that resides between extremely fancy and super casual. Avoiding three piece tuxedos and board shorts, a guy has a pretty healthy range of clothing options to choose from.

Ladies must also bear in mind this need to dress in relation to the level of sophistication of the first date. If the first date is taking place at a baseball game then she should feel free to wear jeans and flip flops, but maybe spice it up with some nicely done hair and a zip up sweater instead of a pull over hoodie. An art gallery would require both sides of the date to class it up a bit but not teeter over to the side of ball gowns and tailcoats. When totally at a loss for what to wear it is best to just go for a neutral outfit while adding bits of personal flair to make it unique, whether that be funky earrings or an obscure band t-shirt. As important as clothes are on a first date it is important to remember to focus more on who is on the other side of the table than who made their jeans.