Is Your Wife Or Husband Cheating? Find Out Today!

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Twenty years ago having a relationship with a loved one among other things meant being faithful to that person. Unfortunately, times have changed. A Stanford University survey published by the Globe and Mail newspaper revealed that an average of 40% of married woman and 50-60% of married men had at least one promiscuous relationship. Yes, these are impressive figures! In today's world it is as tough as it gets to find a truly faithful partner.

In today's reality it has become so easy to have an affair and get away with it. Amongst so many other things that did not exist 20 years ago, much of the blame can be attributed to the internet. We all have connection to the web, be it at home or at the office. The accessibility to groups of people looking for what the potential cheater is looking is a mouse click away. Be it in chat rooms, discussion groups, paid dating websites, or any other venue it is as simple as it gets to find a partner to have an extra marital affair with.

I would say that the email is probably one of the communication vehicles that facilitate the cheating process the most. Before emails arrived to our lives it was rather tough to keep in touch with someone without it being to risky. For example, using the home phone was not an option and receiving calls to the work place was very risky. However, today with the help of the email people can have secret accounts and use them for daily correspondence with their cheating partner. Another very popular tool among e-Cheaters is the various messenger services where live one on one chats are possible.

Fortunately, the internet has also bought good investigation tools for the suspecting partner. Few people are aware of this but today it has become quite easy to find out if your loved one is having an affair or is in the process of building one. These tools can be used very discreetly and can be incredibly efficient.

The problem with people that cheat, especially the e-Cheaters, is that they are not built for the lie! This means that most think they cover well their tracks but trust me, only a few truly do. This makes the process of catching them so much easier. In fact, it can many times take no more than ten minutes to find out the truth.

Did you know that today you can easily find out exactly what your partner was doing on the computer, what websites were visited, for how long, etc? Well, yes, it is quite simple to find out and if you devote just a bit of additional effort you can also know the places he or she visited even if they try to hide these destinations. I tell you, it is really impressive what can be done today with the help of very cheap and easy to use computer tools.

I guarantee, cheaters are not sophisticated people. If you have some doubt your partner is cheating on you there are so many methods offline and online to help you forget the truth sometimes faster than you can imagine.

Even if you think you know who your partner is, remember the statistics. More than 80% of people who found out their partner was being unfaithful admit the news was a complete surprise to them.