Niche Browser Review

Home & Tools

Jason Moffatt's new Niche Browser program is an absolutely amazing program. There are so many ways for you to find niche markets with the program that it would be almost impossible for you not to make money with it. Not only will it help you discover markets but you can also find things to give away as bonuses such as audio content, articles, videos, and more – this feature alone is worth the program for me.

Here is a list of some of the things that you can do with Niche Browser:

1. Generalized Keyword Search and Query Tools – This part of the program contains a textbox called "Main Search Text Box" where most of your searches and queries begin. Entering your keyword (s) into this box and clicking the Search button will bring up Google Search Results in the main browser window.

2. Categorized Keyword Search – Here you will find a plethora of search tools. The features included for searching are web search, news, audio, video, entertainment, shopping, and RSS & Blog search engines.

3. Main Browser Window – This is just the main browser window where everything happens. Just like a normal browser with forward, back, refresh, and stop buttons.

4. Side Panel – For each type of search there is a category to help you narrow down what you are looking for.

5. Related Searches – This area contains shortcuts to various tools, such as Overture and Google Sets. This helps you discover more topics and keywords related to your current niche market.

6. URL Tools – These are site-related tools that give you information on the current page or entity domain.

Now, I do not think that Jason Moffatt's Niche Browser will make-or-break your internet marketing ventures, but I do know that it will save you a heck of a lot of time. The time I use to spend finding audio, video, and article content for autoresponders or blogs has been more than cut in half.