The Best and Easiest Ways to Save Money on Kid's Clothing

Apparel & Accessories

Recently my husband brought something to my attention and that is I spend more on my kids' clothes than I do on mine and his. I love the way they look in a brand new outfit. The problem is keeping my kids in nice clothing can expensive especially when they are constantly outgrowing them. It is for this reason that when it comes to buying clothes for them to play in, parents must shop for bargains and stock up.

Luckily for me and for my checking account, there are a number of different way to save money of kid's clothing. Getting them to stop growing so fast seems like the most obvious answer but also not too realistic. Instead, use a few of these easy steps to get your kids looking great and keeping money in your pocket:

  • The first place to stop is at a few of your local consignment stores. They are always good for a bargain or two. Try to go at the end of the season. This is when you'll find the best clothes on sale. If your kid ever needs a really nice dress or suit for a formal occasion, I would try a consignment shop first. You run the chance of finding some real gems at a fantastic price. Since kids out grow clothes so fast, the bargains you'll find in a consignment shop look like they are brand new.
  • Next time you're driving and see a yard sale, make sure you stop in. People are looking to get rid of things that consider junk or have no room for. You can find some really amazing children's items for amazing prices. A friend of mine recently found baby furniture, riding toys, and decorator bedroom for her soon to arrive little girl for only pennies of what she would have normally paid. A yard sale is also a great opportunity to find shirts and pants that have lots of wear left in them for less than a dollar.
  • A great time to find some good buys on children's clothing is during the end of season sales. Most of the clothes of sale end up being pieces that can be worn almost year round. Shop for bargains on tee shirts, pants, sneakers and other kids accessories. If you think your kid will be able to fit in a certain size come next winter season, an end of winter sale is a great time to purchase a normally pricey winter coat.
  • Do not forget about friends and family members looking to unload their kid's old clothes. This works vice versa, as well. If they have any good clothing that their kids can not use anymore, ask them if they would consider letting you have them. The best part about this suggestion is that it will not cost you anything either!
  • You'll final option is thrift stores. They tend to be cheaper than consignment shops but cost more than the usual yard sale. While finding a really nice piece of children's clothing can be more difficult at a thrift store, it can pay off with a super bargain when you do come across one.