First-Aid For Pets – What Every Pet Owner Should Know During a Pet Emergency

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First-aid treatment is never used as a substitute for professional veterinary care. However, proper know-how may buy you some time and save your pet's life before you can get your pet to a veterinarian.

Show poise in the face poisoning

You do not need to be handy with scalpels and landau scrubs to know that poisoning is one of the most common pet emergencies that causes a great deal of confusion among others. Poisoning usually happens when a pet gets a hold of certain household products proven to be harmful. Such products range from cleaning products to rodent poisons. For this reason, it is advisable for pet owners to acquiesce themselves with foods and common household items that may pose a danger.

If your pet's skin or eyes have been exposed to a toxic product, quickly check the product label for instructions. Usually, you must have your hands with soap and water before washing your pet's skin or eyes. Try not to get the soap and water into your pet's mouth and nose. Flush the toxin out, and as soon as possible, get help from a veterinarian.

If you think your pet has consumed something harmful, call a veterinarian immediately. Check if your pet is having seizures, having difficulty breathing, is unconscious, or is losing consciousness. If possible, be prepared to give the following information ready when asked by the vet:

– species, breed, age, sex of your pet

– symptoms

– name and description of the substance involved. Typically, the vet will also ask the amount of substance ingested and length of time of the exposure

When you are advised to rush your pet to the clinic, make sure you bring a sample of the substance in question for testing.

Sizing yourself up against seizures

When your pet is suffering from seizures, keep yourself calm. Do not try to restrain your pet. Just keep him or her away from any objects such as furniture. Best if you could time the seizure so as to give the veterinarian additional information. In most cases, a seizure usually lasts 2-3 minutes. Once you are certain that the seizure has stopped, keep your pet warm and quiet. Be sure to contact the veterinarian right away.

Facing fractures

Put a muzzle on your pet to prevent it from biting you or the vet. Best if you could probably lay your pet on a flat surface for support. Next, secure your pet to a stretcher when transporting your pet from the house to the clinic. Just make sure that you do not put pressure on the injured area or your pet's chest. If you are adept at making homemade splints, then you may proceed with caution. If in doubt, better leave it to the expert hands of a veterinarian.

If your pet is not breathing

Do not panic. Have another person call a vet while you're attending to your pet. Try to open your pet's airway by gently grilling its tongue and pulling it forward. Check if there are foreign objects lodged in its throat. Next, perform rescue breathing. Hold your pet's mouth firmly breathe with your mouth directly into its nose.

To know more about first-aid techniques for your pet, ask your local veterinarian about the things you can do until you can bring your pet to a pet emergency clinic.