How to Make an Fixer-Upper's Kitchen Working and Spanking Cool

Home & Tools

Kitchens are one of the busiest parts of the house. Many things go on in the kitchen and this is why it's often the dirtiest, most abused and most in need of repair in the whole house. If you're planning on investing in an fixer-upper, be sure that one of your top priorities will be renovating the kitchen.

How Do You Plan on Marketing the House?

Before you touch even one object or take one brick out of the kitchen, consider first how you plan on marketing the house. Consider the house's size. Consider the neighborhood. Is it more suited to become a family home, an apartment or a bachelor's pad? The answer to this question will enable you to learn as well what type of kitchen would be best to use or create.

A bachelor's pad, for instance, would only need a simple but functional kitchen – if the kitchen area is too big, you should consider making the area smaller if your budget allows.

A family home, however, would need lots and lots of space in the kitchen because this is one of the communal spots of the house and where everyone fathers for some quality family time.

How Much Are You Willing and Able to Spend?

Keep in mind that those questions are completely different but you have to reach a compromise between the answers to both questions. It's more difficult to save money when redesigning or renovating a kitchen than a bedroom. There are more amenities available to make a bedroom or even a living room more beautiful for a reliably small amount. Kitchen accessories, however, are comparatively limited and only a few of them are priced cheaply.

Consider Giving the Kitchen a Facelift

Take a critical full structural survey of the kitchen. Take snapshots of every corner of the room. Try evaluating it with an unbiased eye. Is it in need of major repairs or is it only in need of a makeover and a fresh new appearance? If it's the latter then maybe all it needs is a simple facelift. A facelift involves making wonderful changes, nothing major or anything that would require you to spend loads of money. Facelifts include but are not limited to removing old wallpaper, re-applying varnish to kitchen cabinets, laminating countertops and changing faucets.

Are There Any Time Constraints?

If, for any reason, you are subject to time constraints, you need to consider this while making remodeling plans for the kitchen. How long do you think it will take you to accomplish your plans? If you are in need of contractors, have them give you an estimate on the number of days that they need in order to complete their job. If you are going to order materials or supplies, ask how long it will take to deliver them to your home. Give your project at least one week's allowance for delays or problems. If there's a possibility that you will not be able to meet the deadline, consider altering some of your plans for the kitchen or asking for an extension of the deadline.

Space Planning for the Kitchen

If you believe that there's need for changes beyond simple repair and facelift, you should also consider the present layout of the kitchen and see if it allows people to move and work in comfort.

Kitchen Cabinet Area – Is there really enough space for kitchen equipment, kitchenware, cleaning materials, canned goods and other miscellaneous kitchen items?

Vertical Space – Do not neglect using vertical space to your advantage. If the kitchen area is small, making use of vertical space for kitchen cabinets will prevent the layout for being too cluttered.

Staying on the Dot

You need to make full use of each day you're given when remodeling the kitchen or the house in general. Make a list of the repairs you need to accomplish for the kitchen to resume functionality. Do not postpone for tomorrow what you can do today.

Remember: no matter how much you wish to redesign the kitchen into the most beautiful culinary center in the neighborhood, you still have to consider your budget. You still have to remember that this is an investment and the need to save as much money on repairs as possible.