LED Track Lighting – Highlight Your Home

Home & Tools

Track lighting has come a long way in the past 20 years. If you are picturing those old can-shape metal things with all the personality of a soup can, then you will be pleasantly surprised with the advances. Adding to its progress is the addition of LED to the equation. LED track lighting is the most efficient and attractive option for highlighting different areas of your home. Bathe those shadowy areas in warm or cool white light to simulate sunshine. From kitchen to work space track lighting will lighten and brighten any space.

You have several design choices when shopping for LED track lighting. The two basic distinctions between styles is the presence or absence of a rail or track. Now wait a minute. If it’s called “track” lighting, shouldn’t it have a track? Not necessarily! This is one of design enhancements from the days of yesteryear that you should be aware of when shopping. There are LED fixtures today called light bars that fall under the classification of track lighting. Just be sure to add this modern term to your vocabulary when inquiring about your new lighting.

The two largest benefits of choosing LED track lighting is the flexibility of adjusting multiple light streams around the space, and the energy savings of LED bulbs. The nature of LED light is more focused than incandescent or fluorescent light which bounces about the room. Picking an LED with dimpled lens will give a greater dispersion to the light. The types with a track come in attractive styles with designer shades. They are available in multi-light or single light arrangements, and are perfect over a kitchen island, in the den, or to highlight the corner of a bedroom. There are low profile options if you are not interested in the fixture, just the addition of light.

If you look about your home, most rooms are lit primarily from the ceiling. This casts shadows on furniture and wall hangings. The perfect solution for perking up those corners and highlighting items on the walls is LED track lighting. They are available in single bulb fixtures, are completely adjustable and perfectly safe to shine upon artwork – there are no UV rays which can fade the items upon which shine. You can choose a mount close to the ceiling or with extension bars for greater flexibility. What a nice addition to show off the family photo wall. To learn more about lighting, be sure to visit the authors website at LED Lighting.