A Modern-Day Evolutionist


Nothing ever lasts the same. Whether you've been in the same house or on the same job for twenty years, it's different from when you began. Over the years in your residence, you've made improvements, painted, added upgrades, and did whatever was needed to modernize. And, at the workplace, the company has changed it's products or services, the way it does business, locations and office devices. Once again, things change. You, therefore, fall into one of two categories: the one who embraces change or fights against it. Guess which one is happier?

Not so fast. Not all change is good. For example, suppose the company does away with your pension plan, lowers your pay-scale, raises your quota, or just lets you go? Is that beneficial? And what about those trees you planed decades ago? Now they block your view, take lots of trimming and water and drop tons of leaves and debris all year long. Was that such a terrific idea? Because change can be good or bad, it becomes an issue of how you handle it. It begins with an attitude and a motive.

Assuming you have some control over what happens around you, it is incumbent to recognize the process and the consequences. For instance, if you decide to embrace new technologies and upgrade appliances, electronics, or other devices as the need arises, do you comprehend the income and consequences of the learning curve required to implement and incorporate them into your environment? Do you research as you go or hope to learn after the fact? As change sweeps across your world, can you adapt fairly easily or are you in conflict at every turn? The willow bends in the wind. Or are you the mighty oak, that one day will snap as the strong gale streaks by?

We've learned to cope with life since the dawn of man. The evolutionary process taught us that we can survive through dramatic climatic and social conditions. Today's human is a far cry from Homo Erectus or Java Man. The brain is larger, he or she walks more upright, uses tools, speech, and writing. Yet this development took millenniums to complete. Your world only spans seven or eight decades. And the adult portion covers less than that. So how are you doing? Are you excited about the future and what it might bring? Are you going to slowly incorporate and include new ways and means into your daily routine? In other words, will you be the catalyst of change in your own life or simply allow others to operate that part?

A final part of the puzzle is the ability to recognize change when it confronts you. Which changes will you embrace that can make a difference in your life or situation? Do you go out and buy the latest gadget when it first bursts onto the scene or are you more contemplative and wait for others to test it out? What about the Internet? Do you take advantage of all it has to offer or are you thinking it's a passing fad? There are many sites that can improve the quality of your life in important areas of finances, socialization and even health. For instance, if you need good health information, check out thenurseschoice.com where you'll also find doctors referred by nurses. It may prove to be a valuable tool in your evolution toward helping yourself and your family stay healthy.

If you make the decisions as to when and how they occur, you've become the evolutionist. You've located control and are shaping your destiny. If you let life determine your future, you're definitely a passenger along the way and that's a ride that you may not enjoy. The choice is yours to make and the course is yours to take.