PS3 3 Beeps Flashing Red Light Fix


One of the most common and frustrating errors on the PS3 platform is the flashing red light error that is accompanied by 3 beeps that sound ominously from within your console. In this article you are going to learn how to repair those 3 beeps and get rid of the flashing red light on your PS3 in next to no time.

The blinking red light error on Sony’s PS3 platform is caused by hard drive (HDD) problems, often with the connection between the HDD and the motherboard of your PS3. It is not caused by anything else, and although there are a lot of claims about the cause of this problem it is important that you understand that it is related to the hard drive.

Sony will fix those 3 beeps and the flashing red light on your PS3 for you, but there are a few strings attached! Firstly, if your warranty has expired (or you didn’t have a warranty to begin with, which will be the case if you bought your PS3 more than a year ago, or got it secondhand) you will have to pay $150 to get your PS3 fixed of the red light error. Secondly, you will have to wait around 6 weeks to get the problem fixed, which is an awful lot of gaming downtime. Finally, you will probably get a “refurbished” PS3 returned to you, which means a console that has been fixed but that is not your own and will therefore not have your saved games etc.

So how do you fix the PS3 3 beeps and flashing red light error?

The most simple and successful method for many gamers has been to power down their PS3 console, let it cool down for a few minutes, then remove the HDD/hard drive from the console. Next, carefully re-insert the HDD back into your console and then restart it. Voila! The problem should be fixed in a matter of minutes.