Best Practices For Recycle Containers in Your Office


Do you know how much waste is generated in an office? About 1.5 pounds of waste paper per employee per day is generated in a typical business office. Every day large volumes of paper in the form of magazines, junk mail, reports, letters and memos is wasted in offices. Recycling containers will not only help to keep the offices clean but also help to save trees. Every recycled ton of paper saves approximately 17 trees. Recycle bins reduce waste and cost, save energy and resources, protect the environment, and provide materials for reuse. An effective recycling program in an office can really help to achieve incredible environmental benefits.

If you own a company and you wish to run an effective recycling program to manage all the waste material generated in your firm, then the best approach is to effectively manage the trash, such as paper, cardboard, printer cartridges, drinks bottles and cans is by deploying recycling containers around the office premises. For this, awareness needs to be created among employees, ie. Recycling decals, and they should be encouraged to dispose of waste properly.

Today a large number of companies manufacture office recycling containers. Office recycle bins are available in all sizes that can easily fit at your work location. A recycle container can be placed next to your trash for handling waste paper generated from Xerox machines or printers. Here is a list of some of the most popular office recycling containers:

* Desktop or Deskside Recycling Bins: A small desktop recycling bin at your workstation can make things very convenient for you, as you don’t need to walk to a bin for throwing small amount of wastes such as wrappers and tissues. It can be placed under your desk, allowing you to use them without moving from your seat. The most economical option for collecting recyclables under this category is Recytrays.

* Document Security Containers: This recycle bin is ideal for disposing your sensitive documents that contain confidential information. It has a metal construction and is outfitted with locked cabinets which provides extra security. This attractive desk side secured document container can be placed under or beside your desk. It keeps the documents private until they are taken to a recycling center.

* Office Receptacles: These designer and stylish recycle bins are made out of galvanized fire proof steel. These containers can add to the beauty of your office since they match with the interiors and at the same time they can be also used for disposing your office waste. These are ideally suitable to be placed at your office lobby or reception. We carry an entire line of Designer Recycling Containers to add effectiveness to your image.