Super Mario Bros – Mario Is Arguably The Most Known Character In Video Game History


Mario was arguably the most known character in the video game history. The likeness of Mario was originally established in the Donkey Kong, the gorilla, which was launched in Japan in 1983. It first appeared as a coin operated video game. Donkey Kong kidnapped Mario’s girlfriend and took her to the top of a steel structure that made Mario aggressively moved over girders, barrels, ladders and fast moving elevators. Nintendo release Super Mario Bros. in late 1985. It was considered more superior than the other consoles. It was presented with compelling storylines and characters in a graphically advanced manner. Super Mario Bros. 3 was released by Nintendo in 1990. Disney released the first movie based on Super Mario Bros. in 1993. A combined success of the video games and films were noted that they began producing other films based from other types of video games too. Super Mario Bros. was noted as the best selling video in 1999.

Gender preference

Super Mario Bros. appeals to boy’s interest in sports, adventure and combat. It drew characters and activities that were popular among the young male gender. Productions of these interactive narrative forms of games replicate the gender differences found in traditional toys and the interest and appeal that they successfully generated among the boys.

The Italian’s Quest

Jump on top or hit those mushroom baddies from underneath. Super Mario Bros. is an uphill battle. Save Princess Peach and benefit from the 240 star coins you find on the game’s total 80 stages. Of course we have to deal with the mortality side of Mario. You got to power up the plain Mario first. Transform him to a Super Mario by grabbing standard mushroom power. He will then turn to a larger form that can break blocks. A single hit may turn him back to the old standard Mario again. As the game progresses, Super Mario also goes through multiple transformations in each stage obtaining additional skills and strength. Basic controls are plain walk, dash and jump. Grab as much coins as you can. You earn an extra 1-up for every 100 coins you collect. Jump through the floating red rings and collect all eight red coins. The reward would be a good power up too. Remember that power ups are needed for Mario’s super transformations. Then unlock the paths on the World Maps. Find the three star coins in order to gain access to the mushroom’s houses. Collecting the star coins gives you the privilege to save your game too. The secret to unlocking these color coded mushroom houses is just a matter of perfect timing. Hit the flag if the last two digits of the clock reflect the same number.

Navigating moves

Right button means he walks to the right direction. Pressing the left button means going to the left direction. Pressing the down button will make him duck. Releasing it will make him stand. But this has its own disadvantage. He slides one block if the down button was pressed while he was walking and he slides three blocks if pressed while he was running. The up button is used for climbing vines. The B button will make Mario shoot a fireball to either the left or the right direction. The A button will make Mario jump to either the left or right direction too. Memorize this well and have fun playing the Super Mario Bros. game!

Super Mario hits and sales

The Italian plumber adventures have earned Nintendo to over $5 billion already. Super Mario Bros. first sold about 40.24 million units in 1985. Then in 1987, Super Mario Bros. 2 sold about 7.46 million units while Super Mario Land sold about 18.06 million units. Super Mario Bros. 3 sold about 17.28 million units in 1988. In 1989 Super Mario land 2 sold approximately 11.09 million units. At the same year, Super Mario Bros. 3 grossed over $500 million in US. It has sold about 7 million copies in the US and about 4 million copies in Japan. One never knows when these Mario players today will hit their own program of fortune. Let’s continue tracing where your hard earned money went. In 1990, Super Mario World sold about 20.60 million units. Super Mario 64 sold about 11.62 million units in 1996. Money comes from aggressive graphics and system innovation to create a more fun challenging environment. One never knows how to improve a system unless he got hooked with it. So I think playing video games now makes a child a kind of a genius that may create a fairly lucrative business in the future.
