3 Essential Automotive Fluids Your Vehicle Cannot Go Without

Automotive & Industrial

All vehicles require regular scheduled maintenance, service, and tune ups in order to perform at their best ability. Long-term vehicle care is impossible without various routine maintenances. One of the most important factory scheduled maintenance requirements to stick by is automotive fluid re-fills.

There are several fluids a vehicle requires in order for it to operate safely and efficiently. These liquids include everything from battery fluid and transmission fluid, to windshield wiper fluid, power steering fluid, and more. Although there are various fluids that a vehicle absolutely needs in order to operate effectually, there are a few liquids in particular that are vital to a person’s safety and a car’s performance.

Continue reading to learn about the three most essential automotive fluids that no vehicle should ever be without, on the road.

Brake Fluid

Brakes are one of the most important components within a vehicle. Without properly functioning brakes, a vehicle is basically not drivable. A car or truck must be able to come to a stop for a driver and passenger, as well as other drivers on the road, to be safe. One product that makes our braking systems operate effectively is brake fluid. Brake fluid typically needs replaced every few months or so; depending on the amount of driving a person does.

When pressure is applied to the brake pedal, the brake fluid is compressed, transferring hydraulic force to the brake pads and shoes, allowing the vehicle to stop. Without proper amounts of brake fluid, a vehicle’s brake pads and shoes will have difficulty producing enough friction to complete a stop. A mechanic is the person capable of checking your brake line system and re-filling the brake fluid. Although it can also be a DIY job, it is not recommended unless you have experience working with cars and trucks.

Motor Oil

Motor oil is one the most important fluids in a vehicle. It is engineered to cycle through a vehicle’s engine crankcase in order to lubricate the pistons, valves, and other inner engine components. If a vehicle has an internal combustion engine, it will certainly require motor oil. If a vehicle does not have a sufficient amount of motor oil, the engine will seize up and fail in a short amount of time. Be sure to have a licensed mechanic check your motor oil levels to be sure you are driving with a properly lubricated engine.


Coolant is a heat-transfer liquid. The most common coolants on the market are a 50/50 combination of radiator coolant and water. Coolant is intended to keep a vehicle’s engine from overheating. When you see a person on the side of the road, with the hood of their car smoking, this is an indication that their engine has overheated. It works by cycling through an engine, collecting heat as it goes, and returning back to the radiator so the heat can be released out of the vehicle and into the air. Coolant levels are easy to check on your own. Consult a licensed mechanic for instructions and advice on checking your oil stick and coolant levels in your vehicle.