A Little That I Know About Industrial Valves

Automotive & Industrial

Popular industrial valve types are

• Ball
• Gate
• Swing Check
• Globe
• Butterfly

Let's explain briefly about these.

Ball Valves

It's ball placed inside a passageway that gives way for passing of fluid. A most common ball valve is a two way valve. This valve has a single passage way. Three way valves are less used.

Other types of ball valves

• Stainless steel Type.
• Steel Type
• High pressure Type.

Gate Valves

They control the flow of fluid and they are used when there's a minimum flow needed. It is also known as a sluice valve because the part that either stops or allows flow. It acts something like a gate. These typically have flanged ends which are drilled according to pipeline compatible flange dimensional standards.

Just like any other valves, Gate valve too has flanged ends in order to connect them to the pipelines. The valve can be made of stainless steel, gun metal, cast iron or cast carbon steel.

Globe Valves

Globe Valves are spherical in shape and so the name. However, the newer they are not so much spherically shaped. They offer greater precision than other types when it comes to regulating flow. Globe valves are used in applications where flow needs to be finely tuned. They have a plate with a hole in it, and a disk or plug completely or partially fits into the hole, slowing or stopping flow, according to Peco Company.

Swing Check Valves

These are less used when compared to other types of widely used valves. Under reverse flow conditions the swing check is held firmly against the valve seat, preventing system losses.

Swing check valves are good for keeping the pump primed when the power is off. They prevent water from backflowing from the filter into the pond. They are available in many sizes and have different types.

Butterfly Valves

These are one of the widely used types. They consist of a circular plate with a rod through it's diameter. The name 'butterfly valve' is because of the appearance of the it. It only rotates 90 degrees. This means it can turn from completely blocking the flow of whatever is in its pipe to letting through as much as is possible.There are different kinds of butterfly valves, each adapted for different pressures and different usage.