Remove Windows Utility Tool – Easiest Windows Utility Tool Removal For Newbies

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In the age of the Internet, privacy and data security are at a premium. A hidden black market exists that trades in personal information, usually acquired by others through the spread of malware, spyware, and viruses that infect millions of computers. One of the most recent and effective viruses is Windows Utility Tool, which has fooled many people into downloading it onto their systems themselves. If your PC has been slowing down aflong with your internet connection, then you might be its latest victim. However, if you act fast and remove Windows Utility Tool immediately, then you can prevent your personal information from going up on sale.

A key step to Windows Utility Tool removal is figuring out how you got infected in the first place. This will help prevent future attacks and gives you a good place to start once you begin to uninstall Windows Utility Tool from your PC. Below are some common virus spreading tricks:

  • Did you use any P2P software to download a song or a movie? Fake media files are a preferred way of spreading malicious software.
  • Did you visit any strange websites that seemed shady? Then you might have fallen victim to a browser hijacker, which could have changed your security settings and given you the virus.
  • Did you use some new application or click a strange link while on a social networking site? Some applications there only pretended to be legitimate, but are actually only after your data

Once you've established how your PC got infected, you can start going through your system files and folders and delete Windows Utility Tool related items. This needs to be done in a particular order, and each step must be completed before moving on to the next. Otherwise, the virus could still return. To start, you will need to:

  • Look for any virus related processes, which are the files that come with the.bat and.exe file extensions. These must be deleted first to keep the virus from reinstalling itself.
  • Go through your system files and search for the.lnk and.dll files that are associated with the virus. These files are used to take control of your computer's resources and operating system, so be sure to get all of them.
  • Finally clean out the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and HKEY_CURRENT_USER directories of your system registry of any corrupted entries left behind. You can access the registry using the regedit command.

If the procedure outlined above looks a bit too complicated or tedious for you, then you'll be pleased to hear about a faster and more effective way to get rid of Windows Utility Tool. A virus removal tool does all the hard work in mere seconds, allowing you to spend more time on the computer doing what you want to do instead of having to worry. This professional level protection can be yours too. Try a free scan of your system today.