Five Films To Watch With Your Best Friend

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Sometimes, when you are hanging out with your best friend, you just want to watch a good old film. These are generally movies beloved by you and your friend, and they are standby flicks that do the trick every single time. But if you are at a loss at which films to watch, then despair not. Take a look instead at the following five movies that you may have forgotten or overlooked:

1. Clueless

This is known as the national anthem of best friends from the nineties, and for good reason. This coming of age piece is loosely based on Jane Austen’s matchmaking novel titled “Emma.” Set in the nineties, though, this Alicia Silverstein film is sure to bring back some memories! Watch Sher try to navigate the love scene by setting up her friends with all the wrong people. The lingo, clothes and music will be enough to make you glad to be back in our modern world.

2. Pride And Prejudice

And speaking of Jane Austen, this book with the same title is a masterpiece. A true film for the ladies, there are several adaptations to choose from. You can make it a month-long marathon if you want to go with Colin Firth, or choose the most recent rendition with Keira Knightley. Either way, you can’t go wrong with a little Austen in your life.

3. Wayne’s World

If you are wondering which films to watch with your best friend, then please don’t neglect Wayne’s World. Mike Myers and Dana Carvey took what was an original Saturday Night Live sketch and turned it into the cult classic Wayne’s World. With stalker chicks, rad music, and corny jokes galore, this quirky film will have you laughing with your friend all night and make you wonder why you didn’t think of it sooner.

4. Thelma and Louise

If you are wondering which films to watch with your friend, then you certainly have to add Thelma and Louise to your list. The quintessential women’s power film, this cinematic classic is the gift that keeps on giving. With stellar performances from both Gina Davis and Susan Sarandon, this film was nominated for a whopping six academy awards. The film details the road trip of two women who find themselves the subjects of a wanted campaign by police for the murder of an unsightly man at a bar. With the iconic ending scene, you’ll want to clap, laugh and cry all at once. And maybe go on a road trip with your friend. Minus the murder, of course.

5. Amelie

This French classic is a cinematic masterpiece with a stellar music score and stunning visuals. This film launched the career of Audrey Tatou and brought French style to the forefront. Pair this film with some classic French dishes, and you’ll have a Parisian night in with great company and great views. Just be sure you and your friends are all set for a foreign film, as you’ll want to watch the subtitles closely to catch everything.