Police Flashlights

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The flashlight carried by a police officer, can in no way be expected to serve the uni-functional task of providing light in case of darkness. When a police officer is using a flashlight, he or she is also occupying one of his or her hands. This may prove to be dangerous for the officer in case he faces an attack by the criminals. Companies manufacturing flashlights for the police force therefore, need to be more innovative with their products.

Recently, a flashlight which can paint glow in the dark circles was introduced in the market. It may sound unbelievable, but some patrol officers said that there was a noticeable improvement in the behavior of criminals as they saw the glow in the dark patterns. Seeing these patterns, they got distracted from their state of anger and disorderly behavior and calmed down considerably.

A number of companies manufacture police flashlights having metal detectors on them. These flashlights start vibrating and flashing a red light on detecting metal. Whenever a police officer appears on a scene of crime, the first thing that he / she would have to take with them is a high quality flashlight. LED flashlights with highly durable batteries therefore, come in quite handy. Another flashlight which is gaining popularity among the police force is the one with a pepper spray canister integrated into the flashlight. It is an extremely innovative tool and can help save lives of a number of deputies on duty.

Flashlights have for long been used as impact weapons without having been meant to. Improving upon this idea a number of manufacturers have tapped into the potential of a flashlight that can double up as a weapon. Though these flashlights are in no way as big as a club, they are not very heavy either and can prove to be a formidable weapon for the enemy. A rotary ring attached to the back of the flashlight gives it a strobe like effect. These flashlights are also waterproof and shockproof, making them an excellent choice for on-duty police officers.