IOS 5 – What to Expect From the IOS 5 Safari Reader


The iOS 5 release is now a fact. The software was officially released on 12 October 2011. Now users of iPad, iPhone and iPod devices can upgrade to the new system automatically just by downloading the software for free. What do you get with iOS 5? You will enjoy over 200 cool features with one of the best ones being the Safari app.

Enjoying the content of web pages using the Safari reader has never been easier. The app automatically gets rid of all the clutter that you have around the text and picture content. On the screen of your Apple device, you will see only what you need. Ads of all kinds, menus and other common features will be out of your view. You will get to focus on the essential content. This makes reading web articles a real bliss. The text font is automatically larger and so are the pictures.

The Reading List feature available with iOS 5 offers great new opportunities to users as well. As you can guess by the name, this function allows you to save web articles to read later on. It is extremely simple to add an article to your reading list. You simply need to tap on the Add to Reading List button that shows up in the bookmarking and sharing menu and the page is automatically saved for you to use later on. Managing the list is super easy. You can add and remove articles with the touch of a button.

The iCloud technology of iOS 5 gives you the opportunity to use the reading list across a number of devices. The only condition is for the other devices to use the same software. How does it work? When you add an item to the reading list on your iPhone, you will be able to find it on the reading list of your iPad and iPod touch as well. All the information gets automatically synced. You do not have to transfer data manually. You do not have to worry about missing something either. You get access to the list from multiple devices.

There is one extra Safari feature that is available to the users of iPad with iOS 5. If you are one of them, you can enjoy tabbed internet browsing. You can open multiple web pages at the same time and switch to them with a touch of your finger. You will get the same experience as if you are using a computer. Given the added reading features, you will enjoy even greater benefits.