High Heel Shoes – How to Walk in High Heel Shoes

Apparel & Accessories

Wear high heels shoes always make you stand out. When you wearing this kind of shoes you are not only feel taller but also look thinner than usual. Your femininity is unstoppable. However, walking in high heel is not a natural talent-it needs practice and skills. We usually classed it as any heel height over 3 or 4 inches without platform. There are many ways for learning how to walk in these shoes.

1. Wearing your high heel shoes on a flat ground or wearing it around your home at first. After a period of time, you will incrementally adapt to it. You may feel comfortable and even forget you are wearing a pair of high heel shoes. If you wear it for the first time, you had better wear it less than one hour.

2. If you wear it for the first time, you can choose a pair of high platform shoes or high wedge heels. They will give you the comfort and balance. After a period of time, you can try to wear the stiletto heel later, and then you will not feel uncomfortable any more.

3. You can walk in baby steps or slow steps at first. Making sure you will not tumble to the ground. You should find out the most comfortable postures when you walking.

4. Choose the right shoes. Making sure the shoes fit you well. Stiletto high heel shoes are really sexy and full of femininity, but if you pick a little smaller or bigger size; your feet may be hurt badly later.

5. You can choose wide high heels and wide toe shoes that are comfortable and easy to walk in. Pick a style meet your taste and requirements and do not follow the current fashion which is not fit you at the moment.

6. You should give your feet a break after an hour's walk in high heel shoes. Sit down every twenty minutes and do not take off your shoes off, this will only make the pain worsen.

7. You should practice every day. For example, you can wear your shoes around the house a few hours every day before you wear them out. You should also add scuffs on the bottom so that they're less slippery.

8. Buying a quality pair of shoes for the first time. A good quality pair of high heel shoes is better for your feet, especially when you wear it for the first time, or it will be very bad for your feet for a long time.