Interesting Facts About Pantera Band

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Pantera started their music career, by playing in various clubs, before becoming a household name. The band released their first album in 1983, known as Metal Magic. The album became successful and the group sold more than three millions albums in United States. The producer of the album was Abbott boy’s father.

The line up of Pantera band was composed of Rex Brown, Terry Glaze, Darrell Abbott, Terrence Lee, Rex Brown and Diamond Darell. Pantera was established in 1981, by Abbot Brothers. The band later searched for a new and heavy sound, the group replaced Terry with Phil Anselmo. But, the group changed the line up most of the time. In 1982, the band members decided, to shorten the name of the band and they agreed on the name Pantera. Hart decided to quit from the group, because of personal disagreement, with the other band members. Bradford also decided to quit from the band later that year and the group replaced him with Rex Brown. In 1990, the band released their second album known as “Cowboys from Hell”.

The band first album took the group to national metal map. MTV played a very important role in developing Pantera, because they put most of their group videos into heavy rotation. There performance on stage, made the band different from the other rock bands from United States. When the band released far beyond in 1994, the group had become famous, not only in United States, but also in other parts of the world. It was the same year, that the band started, to self destruct it self.

When Pantera released the Great Southern Trendkill album in 1996, the band changed a little bit. The band slowed their tempos and tone. The leader of the band Phil Anselmo became addicted to drugs. In 2000, Phil Anselmo started to engage himself, in side projects and the band lost their drummer Dimebag Darrell. He was killed when performing on stage in 2004. The death of Dimebag disbanded the group. This incident shocked the whole world and was condemned, by ardent fans of Pantera. Since the group ventured into the world of music, band members were popularly known for their partying and debauchery. They also acquired an official drink name known as “Black Tooth Grin”.

Pantera band, established its name in the world of rock music, in less than a decade. Since the group ventured into rock music, the band has inspired other popular bands such as rolling stones, kiss, black Sabbath and many more. The band toured extensively in America, Sweden, New Zealand and Australia to promote their songs. Ardent fans of the band can still get the band songs, if they visit the band official website.